
Monday, September 21, 2009

A Simple Womans Daybook - Rest and Recovery Days

A Simple Woman's Daybook 21st September

Here is the link to Peggy's who is our Hostess for A Simple Womans Daybook. Hop on over and see what some others are doing this week.

Outside My Window ...
Sunny but cold at the moment. It will probably rain again.
The swallows have returned and are nesting on the veranda. The grass is growing and the daffodils and snowdrops are growing wild over the property, and being picked by the children. The wattle is blooming so very prettily with yellow balls of fluff.
I am listening to...
Silence as the children are all in bed except the older boys who are working on Assignments together.

I am Praying and thinking about...
That I have the strength to keep on keeping on with everything at the moment. To keep positive and focused on the present while hoping the future will be changing soon.....for the better.
That my appointment at Child and Adolescent Mental Health goes OK. I find those sort of interviews invasive and am not entirely comfortable with it.

That something will finally work out for us and we sell the house.

How good it has been for Stephen to be staying with this new family. He has sounded much happier being with them than being closer to work and having no family interaction of any kind.
Even though he has to travel 40 mins to work each day I believe this is better for him.

I am thankful for...
That we seem to finally have recovered from the coughs and colds.
That Stephen is happy and can stay with the family he is with at the moment.
From the Kitchen...
Breakfast is warm porridge, hot chocolate milk and coffee for older people.
Lunch is sandwiches
Dinner is chicken with rice and vegs.
Morning tea - whatever Saxon makes today.
I am Reading...
I have finally finished You are your child's first Teacher and am really finding interesting Mommy Teach me to Read.

I am wearing..
Pink flower PJ"s and slippers and a Rose patterned Dressing gown
Looking to the Rhythm of the Liturgical Year...
Padre Pio and Our Lady of Ransom this week and planning for next month.
In our learning spaces...
Trying to get back on the plans for the older ones and "B" week for the The Alphabet Path with Moran, Myffwyn especially and Corbyn if he wants too.

Dying some silks and making some summer clothes.
Making Christmas presents

Around the house...
Try and get those chore routines happening by EVERYONE as well as the daily jobs completed
I will claim a moment for myself...
Dye silks with the girls and enjoy the crafting I want to do.
Read a book for recreation, not a teaching or virtue book but just a fun one.
My favourite thing at the moment...
Spring and all the promise it brings.

A few extra plans for the week...
To FINALLY organise Orchard House Circle for the older girls.
Think about the Boys one as well.

Appointment with Child Mental Health for Moran that I have to attend for 2 hours with out her.

Start to plan for Advent and Christmas

A Goal for Myself...
To organise a Prayer, Exercise, Nature Rambles and Crafting and Sewing plan that allows me time to do each of these each day. Am I being to ambitious? We will see.
Picture thoughts I am sharing:
Various gardens and self sufficiency images I find inspiring. Hopes for the future.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't realise you bought those books, do you like B Curtis'book?

    How about doing a post on Christmas making ideas?;)


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God Bless!