
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

My New Work Station

A few weeks ago I mentioned that I was getting a new computer and that Stephen and Saxon were making me a bookcase for most of my folders etc.

Well this is my new spot.
It is down the stairs from the family room where we spend most of our time together as a family, especially in the winter.
I really like it here as it is a central point in the house to so much that it is going on.It is in the Great Hall (our kitchen and dining area which is about 14 X 5 Meters)
The table is an old table we rescued many years ago and it has had many uses. Originally it was my sewing table then Braedon claimed it for his lesson work when I got a newer, second hand desk.
Stephen designed the bookcase to fit over the top of the desk and big enough to fit an A4 folder standing up.
The bookcase sits on top of the desk and I have room under it for my Laptop a picture of St Anne and my folder with all the current themes in it.
Blogging stuff, Unit studies and Liturgical year and Seasonal ideas for the current Month. Also my note book for jotting down ideas to cover.

On the shelf above are all my folders for the Liturgical Year and for the Seasons. They are arranged by months with Lent and Easter and Advent and Christmas having their own folder or 2 or 3.
I have collected ideas over the years and have put them in these folders. I really like paper copy even when things are on the computer or Internet. I liked Dawn's file Crate System but it didn't work for me and the Folders really do.

On top of the bookcase which has ends,so that I can pile up stuff, NO, I mean put the rest of the materials I am using for the children. Up here are the Christpherus Guides: Overview, Living language,First grade, Kindergarten and Nature Study. The heart of Learning - Oak Meadow.
A path of discovery-- 1-4 Erik Fairman

In the next pile are: a clip board with colouring pages, Natural Structure, Slow and Steady get me ready, books for preparing for First Confession, First Communion and Confirmation, Christian Charm Course, Home for Good...Mother Mary Loyola, Exploring the Mass...CHC, Home Catechises on 3-5 by Moira Farrell.,A strong Start in language, A Home start in Reading.. both by Ruth Beechick, The Catholic Girls Guide... Father Lasance.

The third pile of books are resources I use for inspiration-- The Spirit of loveliness..Emily Barnes, Educating the Wholehearted Child... Clay and Sally Clarkson, What Little boys are Made of, What Little girls are made of... Both published by Harvest House. God's Wisdom for Little Girls... Elizabeth George, The Shaping of a Christian Family.. Elisabeth Elliot. Mrs Sharps Traditions...Sarah Ban Breathnach.

Also I have some craft books here as well: The Nature Corner... MvLeeuwen & J Moeskops, Toymaking with Children... Freya Jaffke, Creative play for children...Christopher Clouder,and Creative Felt... Angelika Wolk-Gerche at the moment.

Next to these is my picture of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.

You may notice (apart from the clothes rack in the back ground) the boxes underneath.
One of these has a lot of the craft and liturgical year books that for listed in my side bars under Craft Basket and Liturgical Year Planning Basket. In the other box are folders with articles printed off over the years about Montessori, Waldorf, Pre school and non specific ideas. I also have online down loaded Liturgical books that I was able to get free some years ago. I can't remember but they consist of:
Handbook of Christiona Fests and Customs.. Francis X Weiser.
Feast Day Cookbook... Katherine Burton
The Christmas Book.. Francis X Weiser
Cooking for Christ... Florence S Berger
My Nameday-- Come for Desert...Helen McLoughlin
Around the Year with the Trapp Family...Maria Trapp
The Holyday Book... Francis Weiser
The Year of the Lord in the Christian Home.. Francis X Weiser
The Catholic Cookbook...William Kaufman
The Year and our Children...Mary Reed Newland
How to make your House a Home... Rev. Bernward Stokes
Our Children's year of Grace... Therese Muller
A candle is lighted... P Stewart Craig
The Easter Book... Francis X Weiser

Hopefully having all these together even in boxes will help me in the planning I use. I hope to use these a lot more as I tend to forget about them as they were never together in one place and i was constantly looking for all of them.

There still are my cookbooks else where but all can not be perfect.

Well hopefully this hasn't been to boring.
I am planning on going around our various Learning areas and giving a tour of how we have set up our home to create a Learning Environment.



  1. Boring? Not in the least! Thanks for sharing your beautiful (amazingly organized) personal space! And MY, but your sons do fine work!!
    I look forward to the Learning Center tour!!

  2. What a great space!

  3. Lovely! I like your folders and wish I could find some similar ones!

  4. Great!!! Now I can visualise just where you are. Love the organisation.

  5. I really like the central location of this rather than the study where I was before and my OWN space.

  6. Looks great and what handy men you
    have. I like those folders. I have not seen them anywhere lately.

  7. I'm enjoying reading the posts on your blog Gae! Your children are beautiful. Thanks for commenting at my blog ( because now I know about yours!


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I love ♥ reading what you have to say and value each and every one of you who takes the time to visit ☺
God Bless!