
Monday, August 31, 2009

A Simple Womans Daybook - Last Day of Winter

A Simple Woman's Daybook 31st August

Here is the link to Peggy's who is our Hostess for A Simple Womans Daybook. Hop on over and see what some others are doing this week.

Outside My Window ...
Dark and cold. The last official winter day. We have had a relapse into winter. Where is spring?
I am listening to...
Silence, well almost as i listen to Stephen snoring in between coughing.
I am Praying and thinking about...
That something will finally work out for us and we sell the house.

I am praying that Stephen will finally get rid of the cough that has been plaguing him for 3 weeks now.

I am thinking of how I need to organise our Little Women Study and how to go about teaching the little ones.

I am thankful for...
The prayers and support and e-mails filled with concern and advice given to us about Moran.
We have been VERY humbled and thankful and grateful for the level of support.

The lift home from Mass for 3 of the children instead of them starting to walk while we took one car load home and came back for them.
Our second car does not work......again!
From the Kitchen...
Breakfast is porridge, hot chocolate milk, coffee
Lunch is sandwiches
Dinner is something with mince. I am not sure yet.
Morning tea - Ginger cake
I am wearing..
Pj's and sox. I am ready for bed, well actually in bed.

I am reading...
This is so much easier and quicker ..... link to my Goodreads list (which is also in my right hand side bar)
and looking at some craft books as well.
Little change as not much time for reading.
Looking to the Rhythm of the Liturgical Year...
Planning for the feast days for the coming month.
No specific plans yet.

In our learning spaces...
Continue our Spiderwick study, this is going really well. Lots of excitement about the activities.
Continue the Geography plans
Hopefully start along the Alphabet path with Moran and Myffwyn
Daily Nature study
Start some new Assigned reading books
Craft activities
Get story sacks and Circle time into a great routine this week
Around the house...
Try and get those chore routines happening by EVERYONE as well as the daily jobs completed
I will claim a moment for myself...
Finish the Seasons Exchange items for my partner.
Finish the silk Marionettes with Autumn. Start the 'regular' marionettes with Eden and Rogan.
Start the table puppets with who ever wants to them
Read some of the books I have each day.

My favourite thing at the moment...
Making little Arwen smile and giggle
A few extra plans for the week...
Get outside and go for walks together.
Read the Spiderwick Chronicles at night for Read Alouds
Just focus on the now and enjoy each day as it comes
A goal for Myself...
To reorganise my prayer book with some new prayers and implement them in my routine.
To be especially diligent in my patience with all the children but especially the little ones.
Picture thoughts I am sharing:
A simpler and more engaging lifestyle. Not easier-- but more nourishing and welcoming.... in my opinion

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