
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Kynan's Birthday in Pictures -- Finally

Finally..... here are Kynan's birthday photos.
We had ti wait for the above hat to arrive as it was on special order and did not arrive on time for his birthday.
Quite handsome too!
Birthday crown, i have asked the older children if they still want these and they said yes. So I still will make them and they can still save them as keepsakes.
Feedlot Cake
The Birthday Seasons table and Birthday bag.
Close up of the Seasons Table
Breakfast table set.
I had to make a new Birthday throne as the old one was tearing and looking shabby. So now we have a gold one instead of purple.

An overall view of the festive area.
Rogan drew the Happy Birthday welcome on the blackboard
Birthday Menu-- Homemade Pizza (Autumn made this) fizzzy drink and Feedlot cake.
The Feedlot Cake
And again
Well this is the big day, blow out the candles son.
Great effort
Back to opening up the birthday bag. There wasn't a lot in it as the hat hadn't arrived.
Well is there anything in here or not?
The official present photo--minus the hat.
Birthday ring on the breakfast table

It was a lovely day and so hard to believe that you we have a 20 year old son.
I cannot imagine life without him and we have been blessed to have such a loving and caring son.

Love you darling boy.



  1. Wonderful photos!
    So, who licked the frosting off the feet of the livestock...? ;)

  2. The cake looks wonderful Gae.

    Happy Birthday Kynan.


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