
Monday, September 7, 2009

A Simple Womans Daybook - Spring is Here

A Simple Woman's Daybook 7th September

Here is the link to Peggy's who is our Hostess for A Simple Womans Daybook. Hop on over and see what some others are doing this week.

Outside My Window ...
Sunny but cold at the moment. It will probably rain again.
The swallows have returned and are nesting on the veranda. The grass is growing and the daffodils and snowdrops are growing wild over the property, and being picked by the children. The wattle is blooming so very prettily with yellow balls of fluff.
I am listening to...
Sick children coughing and One Hundred and One Dalmatians playing for the little one who has sore ears and wants to just lounge about. Our precious little Arwen fussing with her own cough and cold. Older children working on some lessons and reading Assigned Reading.

I am Praying and thinking about...
That something will finally work out for us and we sell the house.

That all the family will recover from this hacking cough and cold symptoms.
That Stephen goes well staying with the family in Wang at that this might be a permanent arrangement until we move.

I am thinking of how it is difficult for little ones when they are sick and to just go with the flow this week.

I am thankful for...
The Fairy Godmother having the contact for Stephen to stay with and for this Homeschooling family who have opened their home for Stephen to stay in.
I am thankful that i am not as sick as the others and still able to help care for the children.
From the Kitchen...
Breakfast is cold cereal
Lunch is sandwiches
Dinner is whatever people will eat at the moment. Perhaps homemade hamburgers?
Morning tea - not today

I am wearing..
Brown skirt and mauve jumper with a spencer still and tights and brown boots.
Today I have no make up and no time for hair except in a loose pony tail.
I am reading...
Well I am mainly reading Mommy Teach me to Read at the moment.
Looking to the Rhythm of the Liturgical Year...
As I am still doing my planning for the feast days for the coming month, and we have had and are sick we will have to see what we can actually do.
I do want to celebrate The Nativity of Our Lady tomorrow. I will have to see what we can arrange by then

In our learning spaces...
This will be open to what we can actually manage.
Spiderwick Study, Maths, Geography, Assigned Reading, and Friday Testing items all to be done as the children are able.
As well as a few board games like Tri-Ominoes, Scrabble, and what ever craft we are up too.

I will be concentrating on The Alphabet Path with Moran, Myffwyn especially and Corbyn if he wants too.
Today we actually read quite a few A books and did some work pages and worked out of the A sound Pouch.

Around the house...
Try and get those chore routines happening by EVERYONE as well as the daily jobs completed
I will claim a moment for myself...
Finish the Seasons Exchange items for my partner. I am nearly finished here with help from the children.
Finish the silk Marionettes with Autumn. Start the 'regular' marionettes with Eden and Rogan.
Start the table puppets with who ever wants to them
Read some of the books I have each day.
If I find time for these and I want to catch up on a couple of Blog posts I have been working on.

My favourite thing at the moment...
Just enjoying the baby and how we all adore her. Watching the other children interacting with her.
A few extra plans for the week...
Try to be relaxed about being sick and not achieving those plans we had made.
Just focus on the now and enjoy each day as it comes

A goal for Myself...
To be especially diligent in my patience with all the children but especially the little ones.
To prioritise my prayer time to try to pray unceasing throughout the day.
Picture thoughts I am sharing:
Images of Spring and flowers that I find inspiring.


  1. Good morning,

    I hope everyone feels better soon.

  2. Wishing a return to good health for all of you. No fun being sick and very exhausting taking care of house and little ones when we feel bad.
    Mama Bear

  3. Thank you.
    I think we may be slowly getting a bit better.
    God Bless


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God Bless!