Last week as we were in the midst of sick mode we finally had a SUNNY day. This was a real blessing for us all as we were able to go out side and enjoy the sunshine. We even had the little sick people come out side as I think being in the sun and out of the house for a while helps the recovery process.

Autumn insisted we take out the rocking chair onto the veranda along with Arwen's play gym and toys. We actually spent quite a lovely morning out on the veranda together and Arwen especially loves to be out side. She loves to look at all the birds we get and they come quite close to the house for her to enjoy them,

As I had planned on taking some Spring photos any way I mad this the day. Mostly because the Wattle Trees that had such brightly coloured yellow blossoms are already fading and I really wanted to capture the vivid yellow that surrounded our property as we and the bush around us has a lot of Wattle trees.

Of course we had the Kookaburras laughing at us while we were outside. They regularly come and perch in the trees near the house.

;The Snowdrops are all over the place in groups and in single bunches.

The same with the wild daffodils. We have not planted either the daffodils or the Snowdrops but are enjoying them on as part of our Spring Table setting arrangements.

This is one of our two Weeping Cherries, they have such beautiful pale pink blossoms

A young Wattle Bush not more than 2 years old.

We have a fairly step bank that we have a lovely collection of mushrooms on since we have FINALLY had a large amount of rain over the last few weeks.

These are various Wattle Trees. It really was hard to get the bright yellow of the the blossoms. Well to be honest in the morning as I was starting to take photos I ran out of battery and had to re-charge the batteries so wasn't able to take these photos till late afternoon when the sun wasn't as bright.

After being out in the lovely Spring air it was very refreshing for all of us which was just as well because the nest day through till now has been hectic with the children getting worse.
Well, at least we had this day "Enjoying the Journey Together" in the beauty that God had provided for us and we were very thankful for that opportunity.
I really enjoy your seasonal and nature-themed posts, particularly as your seasons are the opposite of ours and in order to see your wildlife we have to go to a zoo! I called my kids over to see the kookaburras :-)
It's just nice to get a sense of everyday nature down there.
Hi Gae,
What beauty God places all around us, and all that we have to do is to open our eyes.
Your photos are beautiful, and capture the essence of God's Creation.
I really enjoyed this post of your springtime.
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