
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Finally some Hair

Dear little Arwen has been so lacking in hair. Normally we can put our little girls in 'whale spouts' prior to this, but Arwen is very thin in the hair department.

So last week I was able to put up her hair and here she is with her adoring biggest brother.

I love it when we have the older children love spend time with, play and have pictures taken with the little ones.
I can't help but think of those bonds of love developing.



  1. Lovely picture, Gae. One of mother's greatest joy is watching her children on love moments like this.
    Hope you have a great week!

    By the way, I always have trouble opening your blog, takes longer time to download than normal. Any idea why?

  2. Hi Gae,
    I have an award waiting for you on my blog - for the friendship and encouragement that you have given. :)

  3. Arwen is just beautiful! :)
    PS - forgot to leave this comment last time - I'm beginning to be so forgetful. *shakes head*

  4. Precious! I also love to see my older children with the little ones... melts my heart!

    Still praying for Moran.


  5. Dear Ruth,
    I really don't know why. I think it must be the tempate I have used, maybe???
    I have moved all my book basket lists with images to my Blog list blog tonight.Ther is an image on my left side bar to access it.
    Does that make it any faster. I hope you are able to tell me. I am totaly frustrated with it!!!!!

    Thanks so much Jillian you are one special friend. I think Arwen is jsut adorable too but I am VERY biased.


  6. Dear Gae,

    She looks so cute :-)!

    Here I am visiting you dear friend and saying I am sorry...I don't know what happened but I am rectifying it as I write!

    You are such a joy to talk to and I so enjoy visiting your house.

    Thank you for your kind comments everytime you visit the cottage.



  7. I have had a few girls like that too! I was so excited when I could finally do something with Buttercup's hair!

    I agree about siblings too. One of the most beautiful things is seeing the oldest cuddling the youngest!!!


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I love ♥ reading what you have to say and value each and every one of you who takes the time to visit ☺
God Bless!