
Friday, February 19, 2010

Early Education ♥ Love it!

As we were doing activities earlier in the week Arwen needed to be up at the table and out from underfoot.
Arwen certainly enjoyed colouring in and playing with the pencils. We kept turning them around for her as she kept using them as drum sticks and putting the pencil tips upwards
As I had made some new play doh I decided she could experience this for her first time. She wasn't quite sure about it as it is cold from being kept in the fridge. She thought is looked good to eat and had a few little bites. She enjoyed it for a little while and then the other little ones took over.
What a blessing to be able to enjoy these first learning adventures with our sweet little girl.



  1. Oh Gae,

    How darling she looks! I remember those day when my little ones enjoyed drawing with crayons and using playdough :)

    Thank you for sharing and for taking me down memory lane this morning.

    May Our Lord continue to bless you and your dear family,


  2. How lovely, they always have to have a little nibble don't they!

  3. Hi Gae, I have an award for you here ---

    God bless you! =)

  4. Hi Gae,
    Aren't children funny when they first start trying to write?

    Look at the concentration on little Arwen's face - gorgeous!

    Have a wonderful and blessed weekend,


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I love ♥ reading what you have to say and value each and every one of you who takes the time to visit ☺
God Bless!