
Monday, August 24, 2009

A Simple Womans Daybook - Blessed by Others

A Simple Woman's Daybook 24th August

Here is the link to Peggy's who is our Hostess for A Simple Womans Daybook. Hop on over and see what some others are doing this week.

Outside My Window ...
Overcast, rainy, windy in gusts and cold day.
I am listening to...
Wind and rain outside.Lunch being prepared. Little girls paying together. Older girls planning and talking as they hang washing inside to TRY to dry.

I am Praying and thinking about...
I am praying for family unity and strength as we go through numerous challenges.

I am praying that the 2nd round of advertising leads to a successful sale of the House.

I am praying for Moran especially, that she will cope with the EEG testing on Friday

I am thinking about how to keep on top of the washing and drying with water(lack of- which leads to other interesting ways of conserving and capturing the rain water) and constant rain problems.
I am thankful for...
The prayers and support and e-mails filled with concern wand advice given to us about Moran.
We have been VERY humbled and thankful and grateful for the level of support.

From the Kitchen...
Breakfast is porridge, hot chocolate milk, coffee
Lunch is left over stew and bread
Dinner is Fish and chips( we can't cook again due to the wood stove being fixed; YES AGAIN)
Morning tea - rice bubble slice
I am wearing..
Brown Cord Skirt, rose coloured Skivvy and black tights and brown blundstone boots.
Makeup and hair out loose
I am reading...
This is so much easier and quicker ..... link to my Goodreads list (which is also in my right hand side bar)
and looking at some craft books as well.

Looking to the Rhythm of the Liturgical Year...
Plan for St Rose of Lima (Traditional Feast Day) This is one of Autumn's Confirmation saints and is a favourite of a few of us.
Pray the Rosary with Special intentions
Prepare for Sunday's readings
Learn this week's Psalm so it is familiar for Mass
Implement the Divine Mercy Chaplet again and the Angelus

In our learning spaces...
Well we will try again this week to:
Start our Spiderwick study.
Start the new Geography plans
Insist on Moran and Myffwyn doing their Learning to read lessons.
Daily Nature study
Do the Marionettes and Table puppets...Plan to finish by the end of the week
Continue to help Autumn, Eden, Vellvin and Rogan do more writing on their blogs. I am really happy with this as I think it encourages them to think and write about things that interest them.
Finish the read Assigned reading books they have to the end of the week before new ones need to be issued.

I am almost finished putting all my written plans on to the learning blog so I have it all at my fingertips..
The Science experiments are going really well. The children are enjoying these.
Continue with the younger ones learning with Story sacks and circle time and the activities that "rabbit trail" off this.

Around the house...
I think we will be in catch up mode, trying to catch up on washing and cleaning. So just getting through will be good.
Keep the fire ( and the stove, when it is fixed) to keep everything warm, as it is cold again here. We also need the heat to try those clothes.
I will claim a moment for myself...
Work on the Seasons Exchange items for my partner.
Finish the silk Marionettes with Autumn. Start the 'regular' marionettes with Eden and Rogan.
Start the table puppets with who ever wants to them
Read some of the books I have each day.

A few extra plans for the week...
Pick Stephen up from the airport in Launcestion on Thursday night.
Take Moran to the Hospital for her EEG test.
Also on Friday it is Kynans birthday.
Spend time just reading to our little ones
Make sure the children follow their own interests in their free time
Get outside and go for walks together.
Read the Spiderwick Chronicles at night for Read Alouds
A goal for Myself...
To reorganise my prayer book with some new prayers and implement them in my routine.
To be especially diligent in my patience with all the children but especially the little ones.
Here are some picture thoughts for the week... Jessie Wilcox Smith images.
She has always been a favourite as her images reflect the love of children and family life. Two of my most cherished themes.
Picture thoughts I am sharing:
I love reading to the little ones and love having them on my lap so these lovey images of mothers and little children fills me with softness and caring for our children.


1 comment:

  1. May God bless you in all you are working to achieve this week. Praying for the sale of your house! Cathy


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God Bless!