
Monday, August 24, 2009

Sitting up

Our Dear little Arwen is getting so big.
Yesterday while the older children were getting all muddy and we (pictures to come) playing ambush in the rain in the bush and the creek, the little ones Autumn and I stayed nice and dry inside.
Moran and Myffwyn were playing with their felt board dolls and dressing them. Corbyn was playing with another set (to avoid WWIII) and Autumn and I were playing with Arwen
Finally the three of them got tired of playing and I was the designated Mummy to "please can you sort out whose is whose dolls and clothes" while Autumn read some picture books aloud.
While doing this we put Arwen in the rocker in the lying down position. Just as well I was right next to her because she sat straight up in the rocker, which was rocking. I quickly made sure she did not fall out and adjusted the rocker to the upright position.
She likes this as she is almost able to sit up unaided but not quite.

Just look at the beautiful smile. She is so gorgeous!!!

We just love her to pieces ♥ ♥


  1. aww. She is gorgeous. She really is a happy baby.

  2. Hi Gae,
    What a beautiful smile!


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God Bless!