
Saturday, September 19, 2009

Along the Alphabet Path........ Week A

Like so many other people at the moment we are following Along the Alphabet Path. We have had a few hiccups from our journey so far and are only just nowcompleting Week "A".

I was very pleased with the progress over all of the girls and Moran especially seems to be retaining more this time around. We had a lot of fun reading the stories, making the activities as well as colouring and writing.

Here are some of the things we did this week. I hope you enjoy catching up with our Alphabet Path Girls.

These are some of the books we read over the three weeks.

Apple Books we have Read:
The Apple Cake
Alyosha's Apple
Apple Picking Time
How do Apples Grow?
Brother Bartholomew and the Apple Grove
Other A books we have read:
Aunt Green, Aunt Brown and Aunt Lavender
Angelina's Birthday
Angelina Ballerina
Angelina's Christmas
Apple Juice Tea
How to make an Apple Pie and see the world
The little Airplane
Sister Anne's Hands
Amelia Bedelia
The big Alfie and Annie Rose Storybook
Alfie and the Big Boys
An evening at Alfie's
Annie Rose is my Little Sister
The Big Alfie Out of Doors Storybook
A is for AnnaBelle
Angelina Ice Skates
Anna's Table
My Great Aunt Arizona

Angel Books:
Alabasters Song
Angels, Angels Everywhere
Pascual and the Kitchen Angels
Angel in the Waters
The Angels: Gods Messengers and Our Helpers
My Guardian Dear
Country Angel Christmas
The Littlest Angel
Colouring books:
Flower Fairies Alphabet Colouring Book

These are some of the activities and crafts that the girls enjoyed.
We made Wool Angels from Making Magical fairytale Puppets
Moran and Myffwyn are very happy with the Angels and have them on tied onto their beds as Guardian Angels.
Lovely colourings of St Anne
AMAZING reading from big Brother of Aunt Green, Aunt Brown and Aunt Lavender.
Cutting out the A's for the apple Pie. I am sure we have a much smaller A than all the other A Apple pie's. It took ages to cut them all out!
Very proud Apple Pie makers
One of the Pies
Both ready for the oven
At last ready to eat.
A is for ADVENTURE - this is what you can do if you have a butterfly net and a compass and a couple of jars and a lovely Spring day.
Myffwyn with her Beeswax A's
Moran shows off her A's too.
Some of the Moran's Work pages
Some of Myffwyn's work pages

Dare I say we had an AWESOME week "A"

We will start "B" week next and are looking forward to it.


  1. It looks like the girls are really enjoying the Alphabet Path!

  2. Wow

    you did so much, no wonder it took three weeks (despite illnesses)
    That is seriously a lot of books to read.


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I love ♥ reading what you have to say and value each and every one of you who takes the time to visit ☺
God Bless!