
Saturday, September 19, 2009

Update on Liturgical Year Resources

When posting about my new work station some weeks ago, I mentioned some online resourses I had printed out years ago.
Kim at Life in the Little Nest found some of the links. I did tel lher I would follow up my own links when I could so here they are Kim. They may not be exactly where I got them but are able to be printed out for anyone interested.

My Nameday-- Come for Desert
The year and our Children
FeastDay Cookbook
The Saints and Our Children
Women for Faith and Family- Celebrating Advent and ChristmasWomen for Faith and family - Easter
Women for Faith and family- Christmas
Women for Faith and family- Lent
Women for Faith and family- Ordinary Time
Family Advent Customs
Christmas to Candlemas in the Catholic Home
Around the Year with the Trapp family

A new one I found while searching The Christmas Spirit
Also this General Site for SO MANY different areas Faith and Family Living..... Catholic Books on the Internet.

These are all books I have and have found very useful in the years I have had them.

I know that for many that having a bound book is much better than printed out copies, but when budgets are tight and this is all you can have I say "that's fine by me".

I hope this information is useful to some people out there.



  1. Gae
    This is great! Bet it was lots of work finding it all.

  2. All my old friends! I can tell you're friends with Erin! This is a good list. True Christmas Spirit is also in .pdf Another good Advent/Christmas book is Twelve Days of Christmas by Elsa Chaney


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