Last year for Mothers Day I received some books. One of them was
The Creative Family. I have really enjoyed this book and one of the first things I made was Bedtime Bags.
At this time I made one for Moran, Myffwyn and Corbyn. As Arwen wasn't born she didn't get one and Rogan was keen to have one but I ran out of time to do one.

Today I made Rogan and Arwen a Bedtime Bag. As I was Ironing them Vellvin indicated she would have liked one also. Oh well she will have to wait for the next round.
As I am a bit of an "eye it in" kind of sewer and I do not measure much and tend to just sew it together. so if you look to closely you will notice my not vary straight sewing lines and my bags are not all exactly the same size.

I really like using these and would recommend them to anyone. It is really convenient to have them packed of a morning, it is Rogan's morning job to fill the bags with everything needed for bed. I know some people put PJ's and things under pillows and I used to have piles all ready in the laundry, but this is so convenient to have it all together and so very special as everything for each child is in their OWN bag.
I guess the specialness of it is what makes even Vellvin still want one!
Ready into each bag goes--Pj's, underwear, nappies for those who need them, socks and slippers, spencers in winter and Dressing gown if needed.
In the pocket goes a different bedtime story (each night) to be read aloud to all after dinner and a stuffed toy. All in all I, or one of the bigger children read 5 different picture books (if we get all of them read).

These are Rogan's and Corbyn's Bags hanging on their Wardrobe doors.

Moran's and Myffwyn's bags in their room.

Baby Arwen's hanging on her Cradle for now until she moves into the big Girls room.

Bedtime Bags sitting on the lounge after bath ready for children to use.
A wonderful tradition that I am sure you will love if you start it......we most certainly have.
Very nice indeed. It reminds me of the pajama bag I had as a child.
What a great idea. Wish I had known this when my children were younger. You have done a fanatastic job, they look lovely.
These are great. I need something like this for our youngest three's room since space is so limited in there.
Thank you.
They are very handy not to mention popular with the children
God Bless
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