Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Saint Lucia Celebrations in our home 2012

Now that all our major feast days have finally passed in this Advent season I can take a little more time to actually record out actual festivities.
I have said before that Our Lady of Guadalupe is one of our most favourite family feast days but the other is St Lucia and the Festival of Lights that we create in our home each year.
This year we had to re-adjust our way of celebrating this Festival of Light however as it was not possible to light the candles in the way we have in the past.
We made our St  Lucia Bread at the last minute, and I must admit it still tasted very scrumptious.
Our Festival of Light starts always at our kitchen table and grows from there...........
Don't you love our little St Lucia Dolls and our little Star Boys
Our Braedon was the lighter of the candles this year as we walked, skipped and stalked around our home singing this beautiful hymn........Walk walk in the Light

Here is a you tube version for you to get the idea

As we walk through the house we light the candles bringing our  home from darkness to light.....

We arrive back at the kitchen table and say a final prayer and then put all the candles out before they become a fire hazard.
This year we lit candles on a balcony outside that were very beautiful in the night.
For our desert after our meal we have a tradition of Eyeball Custard that the children made up years ago.
We add red food colouring to the custard o create a 'blood affect', totally gruesome right! I know but the children arrived at this years ago as St Lucia is a martyr.
Mixing in the colouring
And here we have the eyeballs in a bowl of  blood well, custard anyway.
How are the eyeballs made?
We have marshmallows covered in melted chocolate and then usually place a white choc melt on top but this year did not but used a small amount of blue coloured icing to put on top.
Blessings to you and your homes,

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