Friday, June 25, 2010

Winter Work Buster!

I have finally succumbed to the pressure of the Tasmanian Winter weather.
After having said that I think we can manage without a dryer (again). I looked at the rain again yesterday and the piles of clothes trying to get them dry and said 'yes, please can we get the dryer today.'
We have over the past winters dried our clothing around our home. It has looked like an old fashioned 'Chinese laundry' for so much of the year. Even in summer we don't get very long or hot days.
So I am hoping this will mean we can finally stay on top of our mountain of washing that comes from having a large family.

We have been blessed to be able to do this at the moment. Praise to God for the ability.
He does provide and I just need to keep the Faith.
Who says real men don't need instructions?
My very conservative and cautious husband still reads the instructions even though he know all about it.
A very sweet character trait



Erin said...

Familiar picture here too, David reads instructions to and files them;) He always insists on reading instructions to a new board game whereas I'd just start.

kee said...

I felt the same about dryers before we moved to this rented house, but now find it invaluable for when the laundry mountain becomes too much. Ireland's weather is probably much the same as Tasmania's, if not worse, so I know what it's like having washing drying around the house. Dry days are even more of a blessing when you become a Mum!

Gardenia said...

well hip hip hurrah for a new appliance that'll help you with your daily living!!!

Kendra said...

Oh, I hear you. I debate a dryer every single winter.. Then when Summer comes I scoff at the idea. lol


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