As arrows in the hand of the mighty, so the children of them that have been shaken- 127.4
Blessed is the man that hath filled the desire with them; he shall not be confounded when he shall speak to his enemies in the gate - 127.5
These are some of my favourite bible verses. They rank up along with Palm 128:3 -Thy wife shall be as a fruitful vine in the inner part of thy house; thy children like olive-plants round about thy table.
I love how it shows the value God places on children. How children are such a part of a family. That we can receive these blessings from him, if we would allow him to give us a gift so wonderful that our hearts fill with such immense love for that child and the God who creates ALL life.
Stephen and I have been open to the gift of children for so long and God has blessed us with our wonderful and gifted children. We have even had the gift of a child that was not able to be a part of our family here on earth but is with our Lord in heaven.
I know some of you may know where I am leading with this AND~
YES we have been blessed with another baby.
We are expecting our baby in May 2011.
Why are you sharing so early some of you may ask?
Why, well why not?
We have prayed for another sweet little one to bless our family and God has answered our prayers. Because we do believe that God is the one in control of how many children we have. Our children are his children and we are so blessed that he would allow us to raise these children to glorify and worship Him.
Even if we are willing to have more children it is God who DECIDES whether will will have another one. This can be a hard road to take as it doesn't always mean that just because we pray and are open that God answers how WE WANT him to.
So our baby is an answer to prayer and we want to share our joy with others.
After all if we had won a million dollars we would share that good news with others and a baby from God is a WHOLE lot better than a million dollars now isn't it?
Blessings to you and your homes,

Oh, Gae, I am so very happy for you! I will be 47 in 2 months, and I fear that Gemma is my last baby. I am blessed to have her, as I thought Dominic, now 4, was to be my last. I am sad that this phase of my life is ending, as it has been the happiest and most fulfilling part of my life.
I will keep you and your little one in my prayers!
Congratulations! What wonderful news!
Congratulations, Gae!!!
Dear Gae, Thank you so much for becoming a follower on my blog. Congratulations on the wonderful news! I will keep you and your new little one in my prayers. God Bless.
We are so excited for you all! You are such a beautiful witness to life and the providence of God. We too are praying for another child when the Lord sees fit. Be assured of our continued prayers. :)
Congratulations!! Best Wishes for a comfortable pregnancy and healthy, hearty baby! I am also expecting...have only one trimester to go! PS, my Mom said she likes your blog, she links to it from mine. :-)
Congratulations Stephen, Gae and family. I'm so happy and excited for you all another sweet little soul to nurture and love. Many prayers for a safe and untroubled pregnancy.
YES!!! How beautiful!! What a beautiful gift God has given you and I think it's great that you are sharing - we always share early because we figure the more people praying, the better! Blessings on this new and much loved babe!
Congratulations, Gae and family!
Yes, children are a true blessing from the Lord. He has blessed us with 7 here on earth and 5 waiting for us in heaven with Jesus.
Cherish each moment.
(from Blessed Hope - my blog is down now, but I'll contact you when I'm up again :-))
Congratulations, Gae and family! I hope that I can share the same news again, one day.
Congratulations! We are due in May as well. I am excited to share this pregnancy with you!
Gae, that is wonderful news. I pray your pregnancy is a blessed time for you your darling and your children. Leanne
OMIGOSH GAE!!!! I will be praying for you!! Happiest heartiest most heartfelt congratulations!!! Whoohooo!
Children truly are a blessing from above! I am so pleased and so happy for you both! What a joy it will be! Congrats dear friend!! :)
Congratulations Gae!!! Such an exciting time for all of you!
Congratulations Gae!! How very exciting for all of you!
Congratulations and Praise the Lord!!I know just what you mean....."even if we decide to have another baby it is still up to God"
So true~
How very fun!! I can't wait to see all the wonderful pregnancy pictures and see the little fella/filly soon :-)
Oh and I found out about the Kombucha and how to mail it. If you still would like it just email me~
wonderful news!Will keep you and your little one in my prayers...a winter baby,how exciting!
I just wish to thank you all for your wonderful and encourageing comments.
These have meant a lot to us, especially in the face of other non-supporting comments we have received lately.
We so value your support and care
Thank you all
Gae, well I'm just sitting here, reading along, catching up on your posts and oh my !!! what awesome news. You and Steven are so so blessed -- you know that -- and i am brimming with this huge smile for you two and your family. Goodness, isn't God wonderful! I'll put you in my prayers right this instant for the very best pregnancy and a healthy happy little one. And just now also learning about your little saint in heaven, what a beautiful cross God has asked you to bear. blessings.
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