We actually have a few parts of a morning routine but the one I think is the most important is our Breakfast morning routine.
We have over the years not been consistent with our breakfast routine BUT when we are the benefits are evident in the way our days proceed are well worth the effort.
Sadly there have been times when we have not participated in this morning routine and I feel when we don't we have a lack of family closeness. The same thing if we miss our family time of an evening routine too.
The main part of this is to actually sit down to breakfast together as a family or if Daddy is already at work with Mummy and the children.
I must admit this was a lot easier when we were not grain free as the staple breakfast menu was usually cooked porridge withe warm drinks even in the summer! If we did not have porridge we had boxed cereal.
This actually made the process easier as we could have it all ready together and sit together.
However we still mostly try to do this, even as we are trying to cook a hot breakfast or have smoothies.
One of the essentials in having a clean start with this routine is to set the table the night before- complete with the books.
This allows for a quicker start without scrabbling for plates, mugs and other bits n pieces for breakfast.
As we are almost at the end of the meal that is when we start THE BOOKS!
The books you ask? Oh yes this is one of the most important parts of the routine.
At this point I start to read from the books~
*The first being from one of our Children's Bible Story books. Our current one is My Big Book of Catholic Bible Stories.
*Next I read about the Saint of the Day from The Catholic Parent Book of Feasts or if no saint is in this book from The One Year Book of Saints
*Our Next book is The Book of Virtues or The Moral Compass mostly or I have used other books in the past both Catholic based or uplifting Christian
* We also use Our 24 Family Ways, (although ours is a first edition and has a flip top stand to place on the table) as a guide for family behaviour and expectations.
* After this one of the children will pray for our day, bringing family as well as private concerns and petitions to The Lord, then we say our Grace after Meals and go off to the next part of our day......Chores.
This I believe truly sets the tone for our day together as a family!
Blessings to you and your homes,

Hello Gae~
This is a timely post for me as I work on our new school year schedule. Mornings set the tone don't they!?
I love breakfast with my children. Laughing. Having a good time together. What blessings we get DAILY!!
Oh Gae...it is the only way I could live a quiet and simple life with my family. By sticking to those simple routines that were implemented for all of us. It keeps us grounded!
We are starting our first full week of our new school year today and this is a great reminder for me, as well. The morning really does set the tone for the day and a chaotic start is never a good thing.
We also have found that sharing some read aloud time at breakfast works well-- I am not always consistent with it though.
Thanks for sharing, yours is a beautiful blog.
God Bless, Kari
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