Why are they not sewn up you ask and why do you keep knitting them and not finishing them?
Well frankly I am pattern challenged. I have difficulty reading even simple patterns like this one of Tonya's.
So I am waiting for my dear daughter Autumn to help we work out how to sew them up.
Once I have done this once I will be right but I NEED to actually do this with someone first to make sense of the written pattern.
So hopefully I will have some finished Gnomes nest week to share. I really an so keen for Trahaearn and Arwen to have these to play with as they look so sweet.
I am so enjoying the Rosemary Sutcliff books this week I managed to read
Dawn Wind as well as read a little of Heaven on Earth: A Handbook for Parents of Young Children
and will add to my growing collection:
A Little Way of Homeschooling and Homeschooling with Gentleness: A Catholic Discovers Unschooling,
these have been loaned to me by the lovely Sue
I am joining again with the other ladies over at Ginny's for this week's Yarn Along for some knitting fun.
Blessings to you and your homes,

Oh, Gae, I loved A Little Way of Homeschooling and I recommend it to everyone! It has taken so much of the anxiety away from the start of this school year. We are not unschoolers by any means, but the idea that not everything needs to be learned withing certain time frames is very helpful to me. I hope this school year will be more pleasant for everyone...
Awww...it looks like you've been busy! Love all the gnome bodies. :) Thanks for the recommendation of Homeschooling with Gentleness. Sounds interesting!
Hello. I have a gnome body lying around too! I still have his hat to make - I will do it someday. I really enjoyed Heaven on Earth, my elder daughter is reading it now. Rosemary Sutcliffe is such a lovely writer. Blessings to all.
I look forward to seeing the finished gnomes-- sounds like a fun family project/gift.
Thanks for visiting my blog.
Hello Gae,
I've read Heaven On Earth, and enjoyed it very much. I've also made Tonya's Gnomes for gifts - they're the perfect size for little hands - your little ones will enjoy them very much.
Those gnomes are cute already, I bet they'll be super cute once they get finished. I procrastinate on sewing up stuff too. I can usually figure out the pattern, I just would rather knit than stitch when it comes to yarn.
I look forward to seeing the gnomes finished, good luck. I have been interested in reading some books on homeschooling, more to help my little ones and foster the idea that learning is fun and meaningful, than actually taking on schooling my children, I'll check these books out. Thanks.
Look at all of those Gnomes to be! I love Tonya's pattern for them. They're quite fun.
I truly hope the books dear Sue lent you will be a great inspiration. They were to us as a family. God Bless Leanne
Look forward to seeing your gnomes all done - I checked the link they sure look super cute.
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