It seems like ages since I was able to update anything here, and am just popping in quickly for the moment too.
I certainly was all ready to start our Lenten journey with some recording of our feast days and then.........alas our Internet connection was cut sooner than we expected, and for longer, in the move to our new house, as well as preparing for our daughter to go away to college too.
As you may (or may not) remember when we moved here 6 months ago we rented a house while waiting (and still waiting) for our house in Tasmania to sell. Well believe it or not the lease ended and we needed a new place to live in.
I am convinced if I have faith that God hears our prayers and we had been looking over the 6 months for a house that was a bit larger than the one we had as we certainly had struggled with the lack of space. We had not seen anything and had applied for some, just OK houses when Stephen saw this one on a Saturday morning two weeks before we needed to move.
We applied and had a look through, along with so many other people (which was rather worrying) and after a few days received word that we had been accepted.
I cannot tell you how pleased we are with this new house. It is out of town on a couple of acres and the children are back to running outside, riding bikes and having sword fights again. Things they just could not do at the old house in town.
We are still organising inside, we are getting close now, as it actually took us four very full days to pack up everything pack the truck and trailer and move it all over here.
Then we had our sweet little Arwen's birthday which was almost a month late (gasp) as we had to wait for a very special friend to arrive in the mail and then we got all tied up in moving.... BUT we did celebrate her birthday before her very special sister went away to college.
Oh yes this was just as traumatic for all of us to have our first daughter leave home, even though we have been through it before with our dear sons, but to have my dear daughter go has been a little hard. Of course she had tow special "buddies' in Corbyn and Arwen and they are slowly getting adjusted.
Thankfully it is only just 4 hours away and we hope to see her on a regular basis.
Stephen, Arwen, Trahaearn and I took Autumn to her new home away from home Campion College and we are sure that this is where she will flourish and grow as she settles in to this new adventure.
So as we come into a new week at a new home with major changes in our lives I hope we can settle into this new adventure that we are given here and I do hope I can share some of what we have been through with you.
Looking forward to updating, well backdating, our time over the last couple of weeks soon.
Blessings to you and your homes,

I know how hard it is when a daughter leaves home. It's a joy to see them grow but so hard to have them missing from everyday life. The teapot cake is amazing!Perfect for such an adorable girl.
I am very happy for you that you have found a new home in the country.. it is so much better for the children to run around. A child leaving the nest is never easy. I pray you will be comforted.
love the cake. Blessings to you
Gae, God never ceases to amaze us! So many times, He has provided what I need just at the moment I need it. I'm so glad you found the perfect home!
Loved seeing the picture of your new driveway. And seeing Autumn's happiness.
What a lovely post, Gae! Your new home is here and on FB look just so inviting. You;ve done so much to make it to pretty.
Your daughters both look SO happy....happy birthday to your little sweetie and good luck to your older daughter, heading to college! How exciting for her....You and your huby are so blessed with this beautiful family....
Congrats on the new home!
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