A Simple Woman's Daybook
Welcome to my Simple Woman's Daybook for this week: 4th May
Be sure to stop over at The Simple Womans Daybook and check out some other inspiring Daybook entries.
Outside My Window ...
Cloudy cold night
I am listening to...
Silence mostly and our big boys going off to bed
I am thinking.....
Arwen's Baptism and how special this is for her and us.
How precious family is- starting with a couple getting married and then the wonderful gift of being a mother and father.
How I would like to me more like Our Lady-- to be a better wife and mother.
To Live the Liturgy...
Friday mass and adoration
CGS presentation
Preparation for confirmation studies
To Breathe Deeply...
Hold onto the hope and faith that God is in control and all things that happen are for our good.
Towards rhythm and beauty ...
Create a lovely May display on our Bookcase and make some lovely 'May' things.
These again as we had a dismal success last week due to some complications
I am thankful for ...
Some dry weather as we try and catch up on our washing from last week due to the rain,lack of water(yes we have to buy house hold water in at the moment) and no dryer to dry clothes.
A Hard working husband to support us all and happy and loving children.
A http://sevenlittleaustralians.blogspot.com/ and her family who are putting themselves out to come and be with us soon.
From the kitchen ...
Corned Beef, creamy mashed potato, honey carrots, peas and beans
I am wearing ...
PJ's and slippers -it is late
Hair in pony tail and make up on.
I am creating ...
Plans for the celebration of Our Lady's month.
Lesson plans for this too
Cross stitch for Arwen.
Sewing a little hand doll for Arwen
autumn theme things for the seasons table
On my iPod...
Praying the Rosary with St Therese of Lisieux
Towards a real education ...
May plans as above
Continue Moran with her reading lessons following Christopherus 1st Grade as a spine and other activities( I hope to do a Post on this).
Continue Confirmation preparation with Saxon and Eden.
Reading with Rogan.
Work on the Pirate study so we can finish this and move on to our other unit studies.
Read aloud with the children our chapter books.
Assigned reading again using the 5 groups: 1.Saint, 2.G.A. Henty, 3.Classic, 4.Nature or Science 5. Free choice 6. Unit Study book reading.
Bringing beauty to my home ...
Encouraging a servant attitude by all, including myself.
Soft, loving and patient voices and actions.
Bedtime routines with the young ones.
Continuing on with these.
Will I ever accomplish this?
I am reading ...
Pocketful of Pinecones and Pius X: The Farm boy who became Pope by Walter Diethelm
I am hoping ...
That we can go to Wangaratta for Confirmation for Eden and Saxon in a Traditional Solemn High Mass. This will be very exciting for all of , BUT is a huge cost so we are hoping and praying that we will have enough money to travel there.
We would also love to meet some of the friends there.
Part of the cost relief would be is we could sell our house.
Around the house ...
Clean and tidy, this has lapsed in the past week.
One of my favorite things ...
Time with my man.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...
Weighing of Arwen on Wednesday
Chiropractor for Arwen on Thursday
Friday- Mass at 9:00am with adoration after.
Plan the specifics of Arwen's Baptism
Create things
Reading with the little ones.
Plans as above
Sewing , I am need of this, the desire to create something.
Here is a picture thought I am sharing...
Such a joy to behold.

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