Saturday, October 24, 2009

Orchard House Circle -Week 2 Meeting and Plans for Week 3

This was our second week and we are enjoying reading aloud together and discussing the chapter. We discussed what we liked character wise about the girls this week. I am always inspired by Marmee and our girls each have a favourite character.
Autumn loves Jo, of course. Eden loves Meg and Vellvin loves sweet Beth.
Perhaps the girls relate to the characters they prefer.
I would certainly love to have Marmee's gracious manner and loving personality. I can only try to improve can't I?

We finished felting the socks and now we are working on patching jeans, mostly for Saxon.
Here is our room set up for our meeting. Once again the other children were coveting the goodies. We did have some prepared for them as well, Eden spent ages making her two Caramel Pies.
Tea time for Orchard House Circle and Little Flowers Plans
Eden's Caramel Pie to have with the Iced Coffee and Iced Chocolate. This was a very, very sweet pie. In fact, too sweet for us even with our sweet teeth.
Finished Notebooking Pages to add to the Home Management Folder.
Thank you to Jessica for sharing her pages
The girls in their Aprons they made during the week as per the homework.
Eden's Apron from the back she modified the pattern herself to make these straps
Plans for Week 3
Homework consists of :
1. Read The chapter on Faith from The Catholic Girls Guide
2. Work on Home Management Folder
3. Make a spring Skirt
4. Plan an age appropriate lesson for 1 of the younger children and do it with them
5. Write 5 ways you and our family live our Catholic Faith
6. Plan and organise the shopping and cook a meal for the family.
7. If you haven't read If Teacups could Talk ~ do so

The Tea lady for next week is Vellvin and we will be having Strawberries and Cream, cheese crackers, dip and vegetable sticks.
Special Coffee for Mummy and English Breakfast Tea for Autumn, Irish Breakfast Tea for Eden, and Be Happy Tea for Vellvin.



Cindy said...

Sounds like a wonderful time together.
Lovely aprons

Anonymous said...

Hi Gae,
The aprons look wonderful. Your girls truly are gaining homemaker skills.


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