Saturday, January 9, 2010

Our Feast of the Epiphany Celebration

These are a few pictures from our celebration. I didn't get too many pictures as it was a little hectic that day.
This is the burner we use to burn the cloves in, they actually create a much greater aroma than any of the oils I have put in or the scented wax. I put a little, almost burning water in the top along with the cloves and burned until the candle burnt out.
Beautiful fragrance.
The crib transformed into a royal throne. Eden tipped over the crib and decorated with play clothes and also used the play cloths for Jesus' robes. Eden also made the crown and sceptre.
The royal throne with Rogan's Three Kings Chalk board picture and the manger scene set up with the visiting Wise Men.
Arwen's first Epiphany.I just love those little runners, they were Autumn's first. This is also an example of the 'gifts'. Gold coins, tea and clove wrapped in paper along with the Epiphany cookies.
Opening the 'gifts' from the Wise Men.
Ready Set Go
Close up of the crib and shoes with the gifts inside.
More shoes and Rogan's chalkboard picture.
This is almost how I set them out the night before. By the time I came down in the morning Moran had arranged all the Nativity figures along the line of shoes. She was very proud of herself for fixing up what I had missed doing - according to her.



2 Pequenos Traviesos said...

Hi Gae! You have a beautiful --and huge-- family!!! Thanks for visiting my blog and for taking the time to comment too. I really enjoyed reading about your family traditions. However, it would be very dangerous for us to have our shoes all together, haha.
2 Pequenos Traviesos (2 Little Rascals)

Anonymous said...

i am so impressed with all the things you do with and for your children. i am subbing to you becuz i loved it all!

Diana Hewlett said...

Thank you so much for the sweet comments! You have a beautiful family!


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