Lamplight is such a relaxing setting |
However the feel of spring is in the air and of course we had to change our seasons table to reflect the season.
Our seasons table for spring. Once again I am anticipating making some new items for the table. I have since found our little spring fairy and her even friend.
The All seasons wreath with spring fairies (very easy to make) and birds and butterflies from fleece
Close up of the seasons table. We have made everything on this including the wire and grape wreath tree, Braedon helped me make back in 2000 that the ribbons wrap around.
This was made after reading Sarah Ban Breathnach's Mrs. Sharp's Traditions: Reviving Victorian Family Celebrations Of Comfort and Joy
This is actually one of the best creating traditions with in the home book I have read.
Our original Seasons table ideas came from this book and not the Waldorf background that also has the same ideas.
The ideas in this book are very family orientated to foster family togetherness that was a big feature of the Victorian era.
Here is a snowdrop that was captured on the first day of Spring
Vellvin loved the bark coming off the tree in this shot
Our wattle is blooming and if you look in the background all over the hills around us they are yellow with wattle flowers.
I forget the name of this native pink flower, it will come to me soon I am sure.
Our Weeping Cherry Tree in our front garden. I have to stop Rogan from continually cutting the branches as he loves to bring in the beautiful pale pink flowers
Cupcake under the veranda |
Another spring sign is the children bringing in flowers to share their love with me. This is one of my favourite things that the children do.
The older children have taught our babies to bring flowers to me as well.
So Arwen is always bringing flowers or leaves or grass etc.
Well that is all for our Spring Themes as it has actually taken me 3 days to finish this really quick post on our enjoyment of Spring.
Blessings to you and your homes,

What a beautiful Spring! :D
Thank you so much for sharing your spring pictures. As we are heading into the fall season here it is a great reminder that "As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease." Genesis 8:22
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