How sentimental I feel about the family we have right now and how the addition of a new little person complete with his/her own personality will change life as we know it.
I see my self picking up the current baby of the family and just getting all the love and cuddles I can from that little precious child.
I see myself focusing more on the gifts and talents of each child as they are now and how that will change when little 'buttercup' (pet name for the baby not born yet) arrives.
I see myself more and more thankful for the husband I have who willingly loves us and wants to spend his time with us, rather than activities outside our home.
I see the slightly older children being more able to focus on the special event of a new baby, the time before they weren't old enough to remember.
I see maturity in the middle children as they choose to become more responsible around the home and take on more adult responsibilities.
I see as our young adults emerge from our home into the world, how time marches on. For as we welcome the newest addition the oldest edition has left the nest.
I see that we all have trouble focusing on our 'everyday' tasks as we wait for the day to finally arrive.
I see friendships that will last forever, as they share intimate yet funny moments together.
I see our children loving life through the small and unique way they each perceive it.
I see the comfort of knowing you are loved for who you are and cherished for your individuality.
I see the sharing that goes on each day, in not only material items but in time invested in loving others
I see the sweet joy that only childhood can bring to our family and I am thankful.
I look and I see a FAMILY but not only that.........
Today as I join Trish (although late) I am truly thankful for the LACE that binds our family together ♥
Blessings to you and your homes,

Oh Gae,
You have been blessed with such a precious family.
I remember those days when I was carrying a baby inside my womb, how my little family just became even more dear to me.
Every little moment was cherished indeed! :D
Mrs. M.
Hi Gae, I'm praying for you as you await the birth of your baby. Each day I tune in for possible news. I enjoy reading about your family and your musings on your vocation of motherhood. Thank you for sharing. God
Gae, thank you for linking this lovely post up today :-)
A true mother's tender heart overjoys to see her family living in harmony and affectionate love for each other.
These are beautiful family photos.
Such a blessing to see, especially when so many fail to understand or appreciate this gift of "family" today.
I LOVE Arwen's little pinky - so sweetly feminine lol!
Soon she will have a tiny hand smaller than hers to hold :-)
Many blessings are sent your way, dear lady (in waiting)!
Hi Gae,
I'm happy that your newest baby's arrival is almost here! I see you're enjoying your last moments with each of your children before the baby arrives. Special moments for all and I'm sure the excitement is mounting for buttercup! I can't wait to hear the news and baby pictures posted on your blog! God Bless!
Dear Gae,
You are so blessed in your family! I love reading your post as of late and seeing the love you have for your family!
Emily Fay
Hi Gae,
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family as the arrival of 'buttercup' comes closer.
God Bless
Barb from Australia
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