We love it when we know people read what we have posted and perhaps even take the time to comment. It is how I have made many wonderful and dear friends.
There seems to be a flip side to this coin however.....
The anonymous nasty commenter!!
Is it necessary for people who don't like your blog to leave nasty and anonymous comments?
I don't think it is!
I follow and read a number of blogs, many of them different, as they appeal to different parts of my life. Faith, homeschooling, homemaking and parenting, craft and mothering. They are all interesting and beautiful blogs, and yet they are their 'own people' so to speak and each is as different from each other as to me.
Now even though I read these I don't always have the time to comment. Even though I would love to let the person know I have read what they have gone to the effort to share and how it affected me. How it made me think, how I was moved to be a better person or just that I appreciated the time and effort in sharing their thoughts.
Now in all honesty I don't expect EVERYONE to ALWAYS agree with EVERYTHING I say!!! And I would be willing to allow you your opinion in a polite and agreeable way.
BUT this is my blog and I reserve the right not to publish just plain nasty comments about me and my family. Hence the use of comment moderation.
So I would like to ask the so called anonymous KATE with no profile information available (and others) who constantly leave these comments to stop reading my blog if it offends you so much. I am sure I will not miss you and you obviously are distressed by reading what I have to share.
I think it is a shame that people who have nothing positive to say 'run around' the blogging world and leave these spiteful little darts in our comments. Of course they are usually anonymous or leave a name (like dear Kate) but no profile to access.
I know that it happens to other kindred spirits as they have had to resort the path I now take and actually say something about this.......well, infestation.
So if you would be so kind, if you understand the meaning of the word, just go and find something else to useful to do with your life. You won't miss me.............
And I won't miss you!!
Blessings to you and your homes,

Ah, Gae...it is beyond me why someone would even trouble themselves to leave negative comments when they could be busily seeking out blogs they enjoy and bloggers with whom they agree. There is indeed a vitriolic faction in the blogging world and they cannot keep their nastiness to themselves!
Dear Gae,
I am so sorry you are getting horrible comments! It is NOT fun! Your blog is beautiful, your posts are inspiring! Keep up the beautiful work inspiring others around the world! Love, Emily Fay
Sorry your dealing with a "troll" Gae. I blogged about trolls and precautions you can take to derail them. Basically a troll is really a mentally challenged person with too much time on their hands:-) Don't let them take up any space in your head! Your blog is always an encouragement to me:-)
I'm sorry to hear that you are having trouble. That is why we have to moderate comments. I hope you aren't bothered any more. I can't imagine why anyone would want to be unkind to you.
Sorry this has happened to you. It has happened to me, too. I cannot even leave my name or avatar, so have to post this anonymously. Mary.
Hi Gae, I saw you on Lily Roses blog list and thought I would see what you wrote. Very well said.
I was blogging for about ten months before I received my first nasty comment....really hurtful and gross. I went to comment moderation and continue with it to this day.
Blogging is much like the world...there are good and bad people...mostly good. Try not to let this get you down. I know...easier said than done.
Your blog is lovely.
A friend,
I am so sorry you have been a victim of nasty comments. For me, your blog is a place of beauty, encouragement and inspiration. Maybe Kate can't cope with the obvious joy you feel in being the mother of your large and beautiful family. Is she as happy in her own vocation? Some people just want to pull others down. I hope you are only annoyed Gae, and not discouraged. Keep writing. You've got lots of supportive readers! God bless.
Dear Gae,
It's so sad that some people want to destroy all that is good. There seems to be a small part of the blogging world which is shocking and difficult to understand.
I've been so inspired by the good work that you do, Gae - thank you for sharing.
God bless, Vicky
Aw, Gae, I'm sorry to hear this. You have a beautiful family and a beautiful blog! I must admit, though, this is one of the reasons I do not have a blog of my own. There are other factors as well, but this is definitely one of the reasons.
God bless! Annita +JMJ+
You just keep being awesome!!!! Kate must be a sad lonely person to take her time to leave nasty comments. Don't let it get to you. pull the thorn out of your side.
Carry on soldier,
Gae-I love your blog! Although, I am a sporadic reader, I keep up with you via FB. You have a great attitude about the various 'troll' issues but I wanted to add my voice here to tell you how much I enjoy your space here.
I am sorry for the nastiness of others...it is inevitable. They are really not criticizing you as much as your believes.
Stay true to who you are Gae.
Be blessed,
Hi Gae,
I'm so sorry to hear this. It is sad that some people have nothing better to do than to be unkind to others.
Pray for Kate and move on.
Your blog is such a lovely and encouraging place to visit, and I appreciate you tremendously.
Blessings to you, friend,
Anne ♥
Hi Gae,
I'm so sorry to hear this. It is sad that some people have nothing better to do than to be unkind to others.
Pray for Kate and move on.
Your blog is such a lovely and encouraging place to visit, and I appreciate you tremendously.
Blessings to you, friend,
Anne ♥
I am so sorry this happened. I had a blog stalker a few years back, and it was dreadful.
A VERY big thank you for all your suppport and encouragment. I am very touched and grateful for the time you took to ease by bumps and bruises.
I appreciate and am honoured to have you as blogging friends
God Bless
Sigh... I don't know why this happens, other than a bitter heart and soul who resents the happiness of others!
Don't let them diminish your joy, my lovely friend.
I know it must be hard to put up with. I'll pray for "Kate" to be converted and find the peace of God which she obviously needs so desperately in her own life.
God be with you, Gae!
love ..Trish
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