Saturday, September 17, 2011

My Love of Baskets

One of the loves I have is that of baskets. I do have others that I am known for , hearts for example and of course my love of 'home and hearth' and all that entails.

I have over the years been fortunate to be able to collect and use baskets in our home. I have no idea where this came form initially but suspect it came form my reading of Emily Barnes and her book I have quoted before:The Spirit of Loveliness: Bringing Beauty, Creativity, and Order to Your Life
Once again it is a book that opened my heart to the beauty we bring into our homes and how we can give our homes a 'signature' of our own.

As it turns out baskets has been one of my feature signatures.

Some time ago we went to our favourite Antique shop where we have bought many books as well as many tea cups and other gifts for ourselves and others.

Of course on this particular day I managed to see a beautiful basket (top photo) that had a very reasonable price tag, in my opinion, of $10. Now you know I couldn't leave it there in that big shop, unloved and unwanted when I could offer it a very lovely home and a worthwhile life as my new craft basket now could I?

I have used baskets for many uses over the years. I have a very deep seated hatred of 'plastic' and will go to many lengths to avoid using this for anything in our home if I can avoid it, much to the annoyance of those who attempt to use plastic. I have been accused of causing a cluttered affect in our home but for the life of me I cannot agree with this.
We use baskets for so many collection points or storage or even carrying items and I love to see our children when they look for a receptacle for anything the first item they look for is a beloved basket.

The picture above is a collage of some of the baskets we have full of different items around our home at the moment.
These can actually change as I need to re-organise or need a basket for some other purpose.

I love the warmth of the various materials that these baskets come in and I really do feel more 'at home' hanging our washing from a cane basket rather than the utilitarian plastic one or pairing up socks or even just moving clothes from one room to another. Yes, I do think  they may last longer BUT where is the heart and soul that a cane basket brings to the task?

For I believe that just because we live our lives in service to those in our home that we do not need to be drab or boring. We can bring life to our homes and the attitude in which we do our work, and if something like a love of baskets helps us in our vocations to bring pride and achievement to our daily tasks then we should do all that is reasonable  to use these items to assist us in these worthy tasks.

So what are some of the 'signiture items' that you love and that you use in your daily life? I would love to hear from you about what you find brings joy to your life, as simple as it may be!

Blessings to you and your homes,


Emily Fay said...

I am glad I am not the only who loves baskets!!! I am always on the lookout for beautiful baskets at the thrift stores. They are so wonderful - I love using them for bringing in garden produce :) Have a delightful weekend!

Nell said...

Hi Gae, your home sounds so lovely, there are so many people who just live and can't wait to go away from home but your house sounds like somewhere that is so welcoming, I also picked up Welcome home by emilie Barnes recently and have enjoyed reading about her home and how she likes to make it a place where others long to be, I love baskets to around the house, I must admit my laundry baskets are plastic however, I had a few bad experiences with leaving my washing in them a little too long in my early marriage days and the cane type went mouldy, oh well we live and learn.
Thank you for your encouragement I think you are amazing.
Praying God blesses you.

Anonymous said...

Oh Gae, baskets are such a treasure. I use them for everything! They add the perfect touch to the cottage :)



Anonymous said...

ah a basket lover! You know growing up my mom loved her baskets (still does) and she would incorporate them in much of her organizing.

I have to admit I use to drive me crazy...but now my home sports many baskets and though I do sometimes find a new home for a basket other than my own. I do love the simple look of a basket when I organize.

Anonymous said...

ah a basket lover! You know growing up my mom loved her baskets (still does) and she would incorporate them in much of her organizing.

I have to admit I use to drive me crazy...but now my home sports many baskets and though I do sometimes find a new home for a basket other than my own. I do love the simple look of a basket when I organize.

Emily said...

I love baskets, too. You have a lovely collection!

Marqueta (Mar-kee-ta) G. said...

Dear Gae,

I love baskets, too! I love the sturdy ones made of ash, especially, and would love to make them someday.
Baskets add a special touch to the home.



Trish said...

Dear friend, I also love cane baskets in all shapes and sizes.
They add beauty to the home as well as being practical.
I also really like tins and enamel containers :-)
Over the years I'v collected some nice vintage things to use around the house.
I don't like plastic either.
I have a kitchen cupboard where some are stored, but I find myself going for glass most of the time these days :-)
I love your collage Gae!
blessings to you..Trish

Shirley Ann said...

I LOVE baskets too! I just loved reading this post! I loved and totally agree with your sentiments ;o). I had to leave two beautiful old baskets back in South Africa when we moved to England. They were orginal baskets from a wine farm used in the harvesting of grapes. ;o( Old baskets seem to hold so much more character than newer ones. You have inspired me to begin my basket collection again. Thank you.
Shirley Ann

Gae said...

Dear ladies,
It is a constant sourse of amaxment that there are so many dear and kindred spirits to share with.
Thank you for telling me your stories

Erin said...

I love your rectangle basket particularly (middle pic:) ).


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