Well I decided that what more can be said except we are so grateful to have our baby Baptised and receive the First of the Sacraments.
So this post is fairly picture intensive without much commentary.
Trahaearn was Baptised at Our Lady of Lourdes Church where we regularly attend each week. Our Parish Priest Father John Baptised Trahaearn and another child on this particular Sunday.
The following photos are not in order but are taken in the Church during the Mass and at the Baptism following.
Our Family Photo
Our Family with Father John and Stephen's Parents
Random shots to follow ~
Rogan and Saxon both served during the Mass and then Rogan was the tidy up person r after Mass.
We always say Rogan reminds us of Matthias Mouse out of the Redwall Books, both in mannerisms and looks.
Our Eden, Saxon and Vellvin are Trahaearn's Godparents.
They have wanted to be Godparents ever since Kynan, Braedon and Autumn are Corbyn and Myffwyn's Godparents
The First Anointing
We had the traditional After Baptism party at our home afterwards and had a very beautiful afternoon even despite the horrible wet, windy and cold day that it was. We had good food and great company and the spirit of love that is an aftermarth of this special day.
The Baptism cake I made and decorated
The Baptism candle with images of : The Holy Trinity as it was Trinity Sunday, Divine Mercy Image and Our Lady of Guadalupe
Cutting the Baptism Cake
Trahaearn and Daddy
Poor Baby after a big day
More photos of Trahearn in the Baptism gown that I made originally for Kynan and has been worn by ALL the children
It was so hard to pick just one of these photos ......so you have a lot of them to look at
Father Felix loves to hold the babies and we have a picture similar to this of him holding Arwen after her Baptism
So if you have finished reading and looking all the way to the end here, thank you for sharing in this special day with us ♥
Blessings to you and your homes,

What a wonderful day. A Baptism is so special and glad you shared it.
Be sure to stop by for my giveaway at http://www.acreativespirit.com/2011/07/its-time-for-giveaway.html
Love all the photos! Beautiful family. May God bless little Trahaearn always.
oh beautiful!! and brings back memories of Arwen's special day. Love that candle:)
It feels as though I was there watching it all! thanks for the many pictures. I do love a baptism!! You look lovely, your Trahaearn looks full of life and the Lord, and the cake is beautiful!! God bless.
It's wonderful that all of the children have worn the same baptism gown. I love hearing stories about cherished items that have been passed down in families.
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