These are increasingly hard to find due to the other more (questionable in my humble opinion) fashionable shoes on the market today.
However nothing is prettier on little girls and older girls than the Mary Jane style of shoe. it has a class all of it's own and I think should never go out of fashion. Our older girls have missed not being able to buy these as they go with just about anything and add a more dressy look with out any trouble at all.
When our older girls were little it was so easy to find these shoes even up to just before the adult shoes.
It has been difficult to find these shoes for Arwen but when I saw these very sweet ruby red shoes I just couldn't resist them. I know you wouldn't have been able to either, right?
Arwen loves to wear them and seeing her walking around in them listening for the tell tale 'click clack' of these 'clack shoes as Moran called them when little, who is by the way our ultimate shoe girl and wore out many pairs of 'clack shoes', is very sweet to see.
So I am enjoying once again the sound of a happy little girl running around in Mary Jane shoes and the idea that the red colour is a magical ruby colour is just another added bonus for me.
Blessings to you and your homes,

Those are some cute shoes, and the red color makes them even more delightful! :)
there is always something special about red shoes and Mary Janes are so sweet!
I always dressed my girls in those tye of shoes. memories...
Brid has missed out a bit though, as her foot is quite narrow. Clarkes are hard to fimd in narrow pretty shoes.
I have just rediscovered a lovely pair that I think my fit have just reminded me.
Thanks for sharing.
Did you know that you can get larger sizes at the Stride Rite website? Also Lands End and L.L.Bean have them normally. Sometimes Hanna Andersson has them. Garnet Hill Kids is another possibility. I also like good and pretty shoes and am always on the lookout for them. There are also some shoe websites I could give you, if you are interested.
i like the color of red .. Thanks for sharing.
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