I am pretty sure we will keep it simple tomorrow as we still have a lot of sick children right now, making it harder to organise feast days. Also they won't want to eat much anyway and activities will happen only if and when they feel up to it.
However I haven't done an Assumption planning post so will have this ready (I hope) for future use too.
HISTORY~ from Fisheaters
On this day, a Holy Day of Obligation, we recall Our Lady's being assumed into Heaven and crowned Queen. Though the Church has always believed in the Assumption of Mary, the dogma was only formally defined by Pope Pius XII in 1950 in his Bull Munificentissimus Deus. Note that Mary was assumed into Heaven -- taken up by the power of God, like Elias and Enoch -- while Christ ascended into Heaven under His own power.
This Feast is associated with herbs and fruits, and the Roman Ritual includes a blessing for such. In some parishes and chapels, congregants will bring fresh flowers to adorn the church in Mary's honor, and will bring the same along with fruit and herbs -- especially healing herbs -- to be blessed and take home
The giving of these blessed herbs, fruit baskets, and flowers and is a lovely custom of the day, and our prayer is that we emulate Mary by using the blessed herbs to bring healing to the world.
More Information at Catholic Culture and Women For Faith and Family
We will be making a banner from fabric or paper: (This can be then re-used each year for this celebration.)
Divide fabric/paper into three or make three heart shaped ones
On the three sections or hearts write: Love~Hope~Joy
I think we will also make a Mary Banner: get everyone to choose their favourite Mary images and cut them out and place them on heart (Immaculate Heart) or star ( Mary star of the Sea)
St John The Baptist Catholic Church - The Assumption
St Anne's Helper 1
St Anne's Helper 2
There is also This great Rosary Colouring Book
We will be praying the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary tonight in stead of Joyous
AND starting this Novena and continuing for 9 days ( usually we start 9 days before the Feast Day but we didn't so will do it this way for this year)
Novena of the Assumption:
Mary, Queen Assumed into Heaven,
I rejoice that after years of heroic martyrdom on earth,
you have at last been taken to the throne
prepared for you in heaven by the Holy Trinity.
Lift my heart with you in the glory of your Assumption
above the dreadful touch of sin and impurity.
Teach me how small earth becomes when viewed from heaven.
Make me realize that death is the triumphant gate
through which I shall pass to your Son,
and that someday my body shall rejoin my soul
in the unending bliss of heaven.
From this earth,
over which I tread as a pilgrim,
I look to you for help.
I ask for this favor:
(State your intention here...)
When my hour of death has come,
lead me safely to the presence of Jesus
to enjoy the vision of my God for all eternity together with you.
TRADITION~ Blessing of Fruits and Herbs on the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
This tradition is very old and specific blessings for the day can be found as early as the tenth century. The blessing of herbs was reserved only to the feast of the Assumption. Herbs had not our restricted English meaning but included all kinds of cultivated and wild flowers, especially those which in some way had a symbolic relation to our Lady. The people brought herbs to church on her feast not only to secure for themselves another blessed object, but also to make of the occasion a harvest festival of thanksgiving to God for His great bounty manifested in the abundant fruits of the earth.
We will have a "Greek feast" to celebrate the Feast of the Assumption (idea from Marian Devotions in the Domestic Church) —barbecued lamb chops, Greek salad and, As per the blessing traditions, we will be making Herb bread to have with our meal
For sweets I think the delightful little cupcakes from Catholic Cuisine
Also for drinks we will have (fruits; in the blessing above) berry punch with Strawberries and Cocoa with clouds (marshmallows) on top
May your day be filled with much love and joyous feasting!
Blessings to you and your homes,

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