Arwen colouring her pages |
This is amazing for two reasons.:
1. I usually over plan according to my children, trying to do too much
2. We still have a lot of sick children
However I must admit that without our dear Rogan we would not have been able to have much to show for the day. Thank you sweet and helpful boy.
The children who felt up to it coloured in the colouring pages and then we did select images of Our Lady and made a banner
Arwen in between 'needing mummy' because she was still sick and had some good stages, helped Vellvin cut up the strawberries for the fruit punch. This actually helped her stop crying for a little while. The poor little girl just bursts into tears at the moment with her inability to cope with being sick.
I strung up the images on a paper ribbon after we had selected them and then we cut them out and pasted them to three different backgrounds: hearts, clouds and stars.
Each of us will keep one in our keepsake box of feast items.
Rogan made these lemon flavoured cupcakes and we decorated them with strawberry hearts, pink roses and the M and + from the Miraculous Medal. Our inspiration for this was from Catholic Cuisine
Our Berry punch for dinner
The meal was lamb chops, creek salad and home made herb bread...quite delicious actually
And to top it all off some Cloud Hot Chocolate.
All from our menu planning .
So as this day comes to an end for us (little sickies in bed and now it is my turn) I pray you all have wonderful celebrations as well.
Blessings to you and your homes,

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