As I read the passage (contained below) I was once again reminded of the aspirations I have for our home: To provide a sanctuary for all who enter within our Home and visit our Hearth.
I am, like so many other 'Keepers of the Hearth' are in need of encouragment in our vocations in this world that does not deem our roles in society of importance and thus when I read such beautiful sentiments I am inspired to do that little bit better to provide a sanctuary for those within my family circle.
I hope this is inspiring for you as well.
To a young child home stands for God. In it he learns to see and touch the gifts of God. If his mother is wise she will make his home beautiful. She will copy the world's creator and make a tiny new Eden. She will bring in flowers and give the child animals and feed the birds. The food on the table will be clean and simple and good. It will not only taste nice, it will look nice . . .
It is in his home that the child should assimilate the Sermon on the Mount, not as if it were being drilled in his brain by words, but as if he were breathing it in his whole being like the air . . .
The ordering of time, which seems so simple, really requires great skill and energy from the mother. It has tremendous importance, above all if it is related (as it obviously should be) to the rhythm of day and night and is interwoven with prayer.
The child should wake to the singing of the birds (and they sing in the cities as well as in the woods). Give his heart to God, when light is young, play for long hours when the world is awake and lively. He should form habits of regular hunger and thirst, so that food and hunger come together, and his grace is a real thanking. With twilight there should come stillness in the house and he should be lit to bed by the stars.
From such ordering of time he will learn unconsciously, though it may be years before he thinks this out, that he is not part of that chaos that man has made of this world, with its fearful abuse of time, but part of an ordered plan of love.
Blessings to you and your homes,

I really loved this quote too, Gae!
Such a beautiful reminder and encouragement to us all.
Thanks for sharing it.
I do need encouragement, mostly because the lure of the working world is so great. But my heart is at home and wants to stay there.
It is in His hands.
Thank you for sharing this today! I truly needed some upliftment today! :) Have a blessed day today!
Dear Gae,
It is such a lovely passage. I'm so glad you shared it on your blog as well, so that many more mothers can read it and be inspired.
God bless,
Quite inspiring! Thank you for sharing. :)
PS I am looking for your Google connect button to follow you but I can't seem to find it.
making a tiny new Eden, what a lovely picture this creates in our minds.
and the thought htat we should be breathing in the Sermon on the Mount not just being drilled in it.. love this quote, thank you for sharing it. blessings to you,
Dear Ladies,
It is always a joy for me to have found that once again Kindred Spirits enjoy these captured moments that we can bless each other with.
Thank you and I pray that you continue to be inspired by images such as these.
Have a blessed week to you all
Dear Gina,
I would be delighted to have you follow my blog. The Google Connect button is on the left hand side bar, just below teh children's names and the delightful image of training up a child.
Thank you I look forward to seeing you there ☺
Hi Gae. For some reason, I can't see it. I do see something called Pinterest under "visiting friends". Is that something similar?? Sorry I'm so dense!
Dear Gina,
Yes I checked it and it is there. It is above the pinterest site but is the visitng friends gadget/
I wuld lve you to try again whe you are ready
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