Some time ago Eva tagged me for this award and now Vicky has as well. So I had better get on with it!!
One of the requirements is to share 7 things about my self. Now these I am not sure if they need to be 'new things' or things currently known.
I will attempt to share some new information, but I think this is hard as I tend to use this space as a diary of sorts too.
1. I love to dance and sing, but usually at home within our family.
However I have been know to do this in public as if I were at home.
2. I am a fairly quiet spoken person.
3. If 'stirred up' about a passion of mine I have no hesitation in letting others know, no matter where we are or who is listening.
4. I am from a small family. Parents (step father) and one sister. All my life I wanted a large family (at one time I thought 6 children was large) and so am thankful for this gift.
5. I adore candlelight, fire light, and reading and crafting by these.
6. After my husband, our children are my best friends and I love spending time with them.
7. A role model I have always loved is Ma from the TV series "Little House on the Prairie"
8. My children believe I am stubborn.,...but I beg to differ!! Oops that is 8 and like Vicky I have no respect for rules that do not support my ideals.
You know I am so thankful for getting these but like so many others I know I am reluctant to pass it on to specific people, so this time I am just going to share the information and ask that anyone who has not done it who visits my blog takes it and uses it, because obviously you are a stylish Blogger if you visit here,☺
Blessings to you and your homes,

Thank you for taking the time to respond to the award, Gae. It was interesting to read your list.
I hadn't considered the implications when I nominated you - it can be difficult to know whether to view these memes as a hindrance or a help:)
Dear Vicky,
Don't get me wrong I love the award, just never sure who to give it to as I love so many blogs and ladies. I also tend to always have so many ideas to share and not enought time to do so.
Thank you for thinking of me as I value your recommendation :)
Gae, i'm so pleased you feel that way:) I'm just beginning to understand that that some people see a meme like a chain letter, so I was quite worried that what I'd thought was a simple award might actually be a burden.
God bless, Vicky
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