I really have simple goals and ambitions for my day. The things that make it special are things that are given freely or can be done quite simply.
I am treasuring these things as we grow into a new routine, well trying to in our new home.
A house still that we are cultivating into a home.
A home filled with~
Talks with my honey,
Cuddles, cuddles and kisses from my little ones, I can't get by without these and they come along a lot.
Loving and learning with the children
Hugs from my big ones and many interesting conversations,
Sloppy kisses and giant hugs from our baby, what a blessing he is
Giving thanks for God's love and Grace in our lives,
Prayer time,
reading time- both learning for me and recreational reading. Reading aloud to the little ones and family read alouds,
Crafting- I really can't forget this as it really gives me a sense of 'home' to my day
Routines and order- these center my day, not so much a schedule but an order that everyone knows and expects.
What brings a smile to your day
And just a reminder now I am back no line, finally (long story), my first giveaway ends tomorrow so please be sure to enter in for this great set of books.
Blessings to you and your homes,

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