Sunday, December 16, 2012

Gaudete Sunday.....Rose Sunday......Anniversary Sunday

Today is a  special day in the life of the church!

Graudete Sunday or Rose Sunday~
On the third Sunday of Advent, the penitential purple of the season changes to rose and we celebrate “Gaudete” or “Rejoice!” Sunday.  “Shout for joy, daughter of Sion” says Zephaniah. “Draw water joyfully from the font of salvation,” says Isaiah.  “Rejoice in the Lord always,” says St. Paul.  “Do penance for the judge is coming,” says John the Baptist. 

"Rejoice: the Lord is nigh." As Christmas draws near, the Church emphasizes the joy which should be in our hearts over all that the birth of our Savior means for us. The great joy of Christians is to see the day drawing nigh when the Lord will come again in His glory to lead them into His kingdom. The oft-repeated Veni ("Come") of Advent is an echo not only of the prophets but also of the conclusion of the Apocalypse of St. John: "Come, Lord Jesus," the last words of the New Testament.
Today is known as Gaudete Sunday. The term Gaudete refers to the first word of the Entrance Antiphon, "Rejoice". Rose vestments are worn to emphasize our joy that Christmas is near, and we also light the rose candle on our Advent wreath. From Catholic CultureFor us as a family we remember this day not only as the Third Sunday, Gaudete Sunday and Rose Sunday but as the day we were fully and finally welcomed into The Catholic Church six years ago. This is our Anniversary Sunday!
So today we celebrate  this feast day with some simple rose coloured food.
A heart shaped cake with soft pink cream and roses on top along with some more pink cream and strawberries, and some apple and blackcurrant juice.
And so today as we lit the third candle on our Advent wreath and said our special prayer from Let's Say Grace
Leader: Let us rejoice in the Lord always
All: For God has done great things for us
(Light three candles including the pink one)

Lord, as we share this meal,
fill us with the happiness that comes
from being kind and generous
and from serving you.
Thank you for this time together. Amen.

Leader: Let us rejoice in the Lord always
All: For God has done great things for us

Today we truly embraced the joy that comes from this 'pink Sunday,' the joy of the soon coming of our Saviour and the  joy of our faith that was deepened those six years ago.

May you also have great joy in these last days that lead to the birth of the Christ child!

Blessings to you and your homes,

1 comment:

Erin said...

Happy Anniversary!!!{{{{}}}}
How the time has flown, and yet is seems longer that you have been Catholic:) which you were in heart for longer than 6yrs


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