Monday, January 21, 2013

A slice of life.......

 While talking a while ago with a friend we talked about different blogs and what we liked about them.
She mentioned to me and I agree that the ones we love are the ones that share 'a slice of life!'
The ones that share those random or at times organised parts of their life, while knowing full well that this is not the full picture but a part of the life we live.
 As we are in the last weeks of Summer Holidays and thus I find myself planning for our new year of Learning at Home life has been busy with activities and plans within our family circle.
We have been adjusting and planning for the fact that life will change this year again with our oldest daughter going away to University, and our need to find a new place to live as well as the excitement of an upcoming wedding.
 It always amazes me how dependent we are on the Internet for research and planning. So as we have been without Internet for several days and there have been those planning for lessons and house hunting again, we have been at a stand still. Only today have I been able to resume any sort of research and planning not to mention blogging!
 We are slowly getting back into our eating regime and I am trying to find the time to make those home made
health and beauty products as well as getting back to my Christmas Catchup (which by this time is simply a memory recording for our family as we are so past Christmas.)
 One of the delightful things I love doing is recording the various things our children do and so when an older brother dresses up the baby in his big new boots and puts on a sisters hat, then of course that requires a picture.
 How wonderful is the life we have now with digital cameras and being able to take many photos and then being  able to then look at them and then delete any you do not like without the cost that was involved not so very long ago in getting everything printed without knowing what was actually a great photo
 This was a nasty surprise for us and luckily the little ones did not find it first as it was right near their scooters. These are new times for our children with finding this type of wildlife.
 The pool has been a real blessing to us, especially as the air conditioning in this house does not work very well. It has been a place for social interaction with guests and a wonderful place for the children to learn to swim. I am so thrilled that they have made such progress in such a relatively little time.
 Small tokens of love in the form of flowers are a constant stream from our little ones.
 There is nothing sadder than one of our little ones hurting themselves and our precious little Trahaearn spent a few painful days with a very bruised and painful toe after dropping a very large jar on his toe while attempting to help himself to sultanas. He could not walk for two days and the idea of sandals or shoes was just too much for his little foot. He was very much a hug a bug,  during this time and we all enjoyed his snuggling up.
It is so sweet to see how the children look after each other and share their love for one another.
Arwen definitely was 'keeping after' as is the term in our family little Trahaearn. She was his nurse for some time and bundled him up for a while on the lounge.
Rogan got this little seemingly easy puzzle for Christmas and yet it took hours of trial and error to get it right. He did not want any help and he didn't want anyone else to have a turn until he had completed it.
So now it is up for grabs and we will have to see if anyone can do it quicker.
 During the school holidays for a couple of days there was an exhibition of snakes, lizards and a baby crocodile.
We did not know it was going to be there but as we went shopping a couple of times during those days we managed to see the display.
 Rogan was with me the first time and he was very keen for the younger children to see it, however only Corbyn and Arwen of the younger ones were able to.

 Rogan patted the croc the first time and ......
 The second time held the snake. It actually started to go all the way up his sleeve!!
 Corbyn wanted to hold the croc and so he did. Arwen was too shy in front of all the people to even though she wanted to.
I have no idea why this photo makes Corbyn look so much older but it just goes to show how handsome he will be in a few years time....just sayin!
 WE had days of Corbyn and Arwen being pirates and Corbyn helped Arwen into his version of a pirate suit with what we had at home.

 That spy glass went shopping with us too and just today I found it in the fridge, don't ask me why I just saw it there.
Trying to keep track of our activities for the day, and no I did not get all of it done.
In fact we still have the Christmas tree up. On one seems interested in taking it down and it seems like a lot of work.
 Day one of home made Ginger beer and it isn't on the list above
 The pet rock that Autumn made for Trahaearn to play with. For some reason he had to have a pet rock. Perhaps it is 'bonting' from Shirley Hughes books
 Play doh was a theme for one day and the children used the home made no cook version Saxon made and gave to Arwen and Trahaearn for Christmas. I think this is the best doh ever even better than my old cook version we have always made
 They love to use patty pans and candles and make birthday treats for everyone.

Corbyn has just discovered how much he likes playing the game Trouble. I have played it with him quite a few times and he loves to beat me.
I just love this corner of this small table cloth. I bought it for a Christmas present for me for only $3 and it has such beautiful colours and flower designs on it. I love to place it on the table when we are finished a meal with a vase of flowers of candelabra on it.
Myffwyn was so excited when she discovered a newly hatched lady bug.
It really was a very special catch and she now has it in a jar beside her bed to keep it company.
 Myffy has always enjoyed little bugs and things. When she was little she collected dung beetles and called them her little friends. We had jars full of them for weeks until she worked out what dung beetles were!
 On Saturday we took the all the boys at home and Stephen for hair cuts. This has been a very complicated thing here as we have not found a hairdresser that does not charge what I call a reasonable amount. Anyway we had to wait around for ages as you can't really make appointments. The hairdresser we ended up at though did not have a waiting area for customers to sit in at all. Oh sorry one tiny red stool cramped at the doorway.
Thankfully for our little ones this little merry go round kept them entertained for the hour and a half it took to get hair cuts.
Sweet little Trahaearn has just discovered baby dolls. HE picks them up, cuddles them and then he laid down with this one on the floor. Just Like I do with him when I am getting him to sleep, if I am not cuddling him that is.
And I just love these pajamas of Arwen's.
I bought them new before Christmas for $2 and they are so pretty.
Of course she loves to dance in them as the pretty angel needs to dance too.

So that is a slice of our life from the last week or so.
I really need to get to bed as we have a big planning week this week.

I would also appreciate any prayers as we search for another rental to move into. We only have until the end of February to find a new place and our own house in Tassie still has not sold. So prayers for a sale on that house would be greatly appreciated.

Blessings to you and your homes,


Erin said...

Enjoyed seeing what you are all up to:) Praying re a new rental, great to hear swimming progress is good:)

Kelly Casanova said...

Praying for you, that your house will sell and that you can find a suitable rental.

Kelly Casanova said...

Forgot to say, I love that tablecloth!


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