I know that it will be a year of many and great changes for us as a family as we settle even more into this new town we live in and are very, very happy with.
I started some ideas of goals and aspirations with my honey a few days before the new year that we will work on together and I have some significant personal ones as well. I can't wait to get completely back on our lifestyle diet of grain and sugar free as we certainly found this difficult over the Christmas Season, with many of our favorite recipes had not been changed to reflect our new way of eating, which has been evident in the quite a few of the family members.
As we have so much to be thankful for and yet it seems still prayers for changes to come with our house selling so we can make that final transition here to Wagga Wagga I feel at peace leaving it in Our Lords hands and at his timing (hopefully I will maintain this attitude as we go along, as I know I can become a little impatient) and with complete faith that this has been the right move for us and the children.
We certainly see this as our long term home and feel quite capable of 'taking the town' so to speak as we certainly have been welcomed by so very many people whom we have met and welcomed with open arms into the circles we have mixed with. For this we have been again truly thankful!!
So I want t0 thank all of you who may come this way and read about our home, our family and all those things precious to me that I share here and I thank you for the support and encouragement you give me here as well.
Have a most wonderful 2012!!!
Blessings to you and your homes,
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