We have some interesting ideas for tomorrow that we hope to do as part of our celebrations and a couple of Doctor appointments as well, so here is hoping we get it all done.
One thing different for us this year is our Irish Soda Bread.
As far back as I can remember we have used this recipe for both St Brigid and St Patrick celebrations as well as any other time we wanted some Soda Bread.
Now we are are grain free, except when soaking in a lacto-fermentation process we have to find new recipes for our favourite foods.
Last year we made a grain free version of Irish soda bread which was fairly good. It was a fairly small loaf for us though.
But we still would prefer a more traditional Soda bread so at the moment we have some Kamut Flour soaking in buttermilk along with a currant/sultana mix soaking in port (it should be whiskey but we don't have any in the house) which we will make into Irish Soda Bread tomorrow.
I look froward to sharing this along with our other activities with you then.
Oh, I just have to share this idea with you now though before I head off to bed as a plan for tomorrow:
One of the traditions that has almost died out is that of creating a "St. Brigid's Mantle." This is where families hung a ribbon or a handkerchief out on trees or clotheslines. The belief was that if Saint Brigid touched the cloth, it would possess curative and protective powers. These ribbons or handkerchiefs are called "St. Brigid's Mantle."
So Until tomorrow I would like to share this blessing with you:
St. Brigid's Blessing
Through her holy intercession
with our Father in Heaven,
may St. Brigid bless
you and and make you
generous in your giving,
pleasant in your greeting,
honest in your speaking,
loyal in your loving,
clear in your thinking,
strong in your working,
and joyful in your living
And when it's time
for your homecoming,
may there be peace in
your passing and a warm
welcome in heaven.
Blessings to you and your homes,
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