We had a very busy weekend, in fact a four day weekend in which we were able to spend much time together on and off with some and then others of our children.
We planned so many things but the 'everydayness' of life kept intruding, and yet it is in these most precious moments that the building of memories happens and I know that I need to constantly evaluate the importance of these times and step back from my plans and live each day enjoying the gifts of my husband, children and home. I need to be truly present and enjoying the journey together that is so different and yet so similar each day.
We have achieved a great many things in the past week and I have wanted to be able to record them here to remember, but found it hard to find the time. In fact I seem to go through stages of being able to fit a lot of 'scapbooking' here on the blog and then there are times that are equally as busy and yet I cannot manage to get to it at all.
And really that is OK!
Cause I just need to remember and to know that I am doing this for all the right reasons, in my own scheme of things and fitting with our family's cod of ethics and morals.
Remembering hat posting here is about what I can find the time to share and not being felt pressured to keep up with all those those amazing blogging superstars.
Now having said that I have so much I am partly through wanting to post. We have made many skin care products and played games and started to enjoy the Autumn season around us as well as those treasured memories made over the last few days.
So be prepared to share in our family's adventures as I continue to find the time to add to our living 'scrapbook!!'
Blessings to you and your homes,
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