Monday, June 24, 2013

The Mark of a Man!

It may sound strange to you.......
You may think it inappropriate.........
Surely this isn't a good judge of a man.....

BUT there is nothing I know of that makes me happier and feel more nurtured in my marriage and of me as a wife and mother though, then seeing my husband loving, being involved with and nurturing our children.

They are truly a gift from God, created from the love we have for each other and so in essence a huge extension of myself and that most precious and holy love.

SO by default; by loving them; I feel his love for me.
By his nurturing and being involved with our children, this in turn makes me feel nurtured.
To see his gentleness with our precious gifts; I feel the that this gentleness overflow into all our lives.
In his gentleness he is strong. In his strength he builds strength not only in our children but also in me.

Why is this so?
For me it shows a love and care for those most who are most vulnerable in our society.
Our children and in fact all children are vulnerable in the way they depend and rely on us for love, physical, emotional and spiritual care and much of their own self confidence (especially in the early years).

And so it is difficult for me to see a man who treats children and most especially his own children with less than that utmost love and nurturing care.
How can he love me if he can not express love to the little people in his life who absolutely rely upon him for this most basic of life needs?

To me I can't see it and so I say again-
There is nothing I know of that makes me happier and feel more nurtured in my marriage and of me as a wife and mother though, then seeing my husband loving, being involved with and nurturing our children


 Blessings to you and your homes,

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