Let me be a Homemaker
What I was called to be
Let me fill the halls with children's laughter
And story time upon my knee
Let me fill the walls with flowers
Picked from our very own backyard
Let us gaze in wonder
At God's creation, big and small
Let me be a Homemaker
Never a paycheck
Let me dwell in our home of safety
Free of the workplace land of stress
Let me be a Homemaker
Let me cook and let me clean
No it doesn't matter,
Dear If I do it all for "free"
Let me love you, Husband
Let me love the children, too
Let me be a Keeper
It is what God has said to do
I do not want a paycheck
Nor a corner office desk
I just want to be Mummy
And a caretaker--The Best
The Best Job
The Sweetest Job
For the Christian women,
all Just let us stay at home
The duty is big, not measly and small
It is a sacred calling Being Keeper of the Home
The children are the future
Let us not leave them alone
~*~Written by Lady Violet~*~
Blessings to you and your homes,
Love this poem, Gae! And in case you didn't know, the blog in general!
Blessings, Sue
Beautiful words, my babies are adults now, its big changes in my life...what do you do? I do not want to go out to work and let my chores at home suffer. I must pray about this, i do enjoy your blog :) best wishes jackie x
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