Thursday, January 16, 2014

It's Holiday Time!!!!

It's difficult to realise that we are halfway through January already.
It's only when the older children start to ask about planning for the new 'school year' that I get a little antsy about the time.

You see I am really enjoying these days of unstructured and family oriented time.

 I am enjoying the fact that we are not accountable for any structured learning.
That we can really do what we please with the day without the imposed (usually from our schedule) hassle to get everything done.

What I am enjoying is that not only are the children doing what they want in their free time but I am too.
I had made a list of things I had envisioned getting done over this extended break but for the moment for me I have been relaxing with a heap of books, not always in paper form but a lot on my kindle too.

Those not to heavy but interesting reads that I like- usually fantasy based or historical fiction/fantasy.
Good characters, action with a bit of romance (very clean romance) and a good story line are what I like to read for pleasure.

Or my other sort is what I call 'mothering books"- those books that have the type of mother character that inspires me to be a better mother simply by the way she does things.

So apart from this reading what have we been doing?
We have had Eden's belated 18th party with all her siblings home, we have been playing games, swimming, and just generally hanging around doing things together or individually.

Yep just the lazy hazy crazy days of Summer stuff!

Although I see a change on the horizon next week as Corbyn goes in for day surgery to get the pins out of his broken leg from last year. I have day surgery on a finger issue I have had since Eden was a baby and we have Miss Arwen's 5th birthday too.
She and I have been planning a Fancy Nancy Party along with Autumn and it looks like it will be so fun.

So I guess in a way I need to say goodbye to the holiday mode and start looking at our goals learning wise for this year.

But not quite yet!!!!!!!

Blessings to you and your homes,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a lovely family!!!

Good luck for a New Year!


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