Monday, April 4, 2016

The Revolving Door

Do you ever feel like you are continuously going around one of those revolving doors, seeing where you want to make your getaway but constantly missing the exit only to go around again?
That seems like our life at the moment!

Life is full. Life is exciting. We never have a dull moment in our home.
Our home is constantly alive with not only our children and their lives but the friends that come over and spend time, often overnight or a day or two.
The day to day busyness is topped off with extra events that seem to constantly follow one another.
We have so many things happening in our lives with various members of the family that it just seems a blur some days.
One day I will write about how I believe it is so much easier with  a whole bunch of little kids than a heap or even a few older kids 
Of course we have been leading up to the great feast of Easter and we have many traditions and preparations for this time of year as well as the feast days prior to this (so many blog posts to share....sigh)
Naturally at this time see more Liturgical play with the children and this was so funny to see as the little ones had a combination of both the Latin Mass and the Novus Ordo Mass. We attend both and so the children were mixing it up
We actually went on a bush walk together for the first time in ages and I loved that the little ones were able to walk the whole 2 hours without being picked up and carried at all.
I have been busy myself researching Herbal Remedies and implementing various medications in our Home. I have just enrolled in Vintage Remedies - Botanical Medicine Course and I have plans to enroll in another Herbal Course as well.
I have great and exciting plans for using both these and some of my other skills in developing a home based business.
One of the major factors in my lack of time has been that Vellvin is doing her Deb ball in just under two weeks and as well as that Saxon is partnering a friend of Vellvin's.
So there have been many weekends of dance practise and the  making of her dress, of which I am only partially through.

These are just a sprinkling ow what has been going on in our lives but a taste of what life is like in our revolving door  journey at the moment.
I hope you are living each moment of your own lives to the fullest even if they reflect our own!

Blessings to you and your homes,

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