Here goes~
1. We are implementing a new check off system with the children again.
We used to do this when the older ones were little as a daily goal exercise.
I have found we haven't used it in a while so I unearthed the old photocopied sheets and got them ready for the new week.
We use the one from the WholeHearted Child book, which obviously we have had for many years.
2. We have been watching our new birds nesting all week and especially today and now they have gone to sleep in the nest.
I am always refreshed by birdsong.
It lifts me up.
3. Our sweet little Arwen is scooting around like a little monkey.
She is also starting to walk around furniture.
Thank goodness, as she is heavy to carry now at 16 months old.
4. I am amazed, although I shouldn't be, having seen this before, at how a little responsibility will encourage a child to reach for more.
With our older boys gone each day to work. Saxon has grown and taken on the chores and responsibilities that he has seen his brother do.
I am so proud of him. Thank you dear son.
5. We have had a busy week with lessons here and Feast Days for the week. Although I love doing Feast Day's with the family. Sometimes I get into a 'nobody loves me" stage while doing these special days.
Not very often but today I felt overwhelmed and that we were not achieving the "reason for the season."
Sorry to my children!
6. I have enjoyed at book that I was given to read and have stayed up late at night reading this.
The Shell Seekers. While I glossed over a few of the more, non G rated spots (for me) I was intrigued by the family and their interactions with each other.
It was real food for thought on relationships and priorities.
7. For most of the week I have been trying to give more focused attention to each of our precious children. While it has worked for some of the time I need to get not caught up in the 'urgent moment,' the day to day. I need to allow time for the relationships to develop as we slowly and gently go through our daily rhythm.
So I am pondering the thoughts of 'how much time should be spent on structured learning and how much on the incidental learning' that happens BUT ONLY when their is time for it to grow.
Thank you Jennifer for hosting 7 Quick Takes Friday

Thank you for the links to the books! I'll have to check them out soon. :)
Hi Gae,
Thanks for your sweet comments. I too, LOVE the Clarkson's book, Educating The Wholehearted Child. And I also have not kept up with some of those great ideas that were so helpful in the early years. Oh, to have a chunk of uninterrupted time to just think, pray and plan...then implement!
Blessings to you,
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