We have completed
"I Week" once again using my plans that I try to make for each letter. My original inspiration comes from
Serendipity . The story of
Mrs Applebee and the books for each letter (if we have them) and then I adapt to our own particular interests and family.
In regards to the books for each letter.
I am tending to 'double dip' for some as I only use what we have in our home library, as our State Library is ....well a bit lacking and it can take months to get books, if they actually have them at all.
One thing about this week was the girls both knew how to write and recognise the letter I so we spent more time on the fun activities.
So here is our week in review.

Of course
Laura Ingalls Wilder books were in use for this week again.
I Spy books
Indian Books

Other odds and ends of I books
Insect books

We had a lovely friend bring Moran these beautiful Iris's as she knew we were doing I week. Thank you Bernadette!

Our Montessori
Insect matching set. We also did activities from
Fantastic Folder! Insects
Imagination with a Jersey cow mask. We got these at AGFEST and the three little ones were playing cows with all the noises for days.

Cowboy Corbyn for
All working on
Ants on a Log
Moran adding Ants

Myffy Creating
Ants on a Log
Ants on a Log with Ants running toward to log--according to Myffwyn.

Igloo's or Indian Tee pee to eat other wise know as Snowballs

My very inexpert I black board for memorization
I Spy Bottles.
Autumn and I loved these when we first saw them after
Kimberlee had them for her girls for
I week. We have been waiting for I as we were so excited to do them.
Indians start with I

The ingrredients for our Igloo: sugar cubes for ice blocks and icing sugar to use as mortar.

Myffwyn's snow house- her own design

Making an Igloo is tasty. See Myffy licking her fingers.

Our Artic explorers wiht their model Igloo

Our Igloo from Sugar Cubes

I is for
Imagination: This is our Tooth Fairy

Imagination - one cranky Grandma and two old grandpa's on wheel chairs (bouncy balls). All with their walking sticks to keep the younger folks in line.

St Ignatius from our
Alphabet of Saints

I couldn't find a colouring picture of St Ignatius so
Autumn drew one for me.

Felt Ice-creams I made quickly for Moran to play with.

I just quickly sewed up a cone shape out of felt and fluffed up some coloured fleece.
These were very popular for a game.

I sound pouch

Moran's work sheets on Letter I

Myffwyn's work sheets on the Letter I

Corbyn's few worksheet.
We also had ice cream to eat and Irish breakfast tea to drink.
We really enjoyed learning and singing these songs:
Incy Wincy Spider
Inchy Inch worm
I scream You scream we all scream for Ice cream.(this was a really big hit, read very loud..with the children)
Five Little Indians
All in all it was a very
Oh my, what fun you must have had! Thank you for sharing! Cathy
Looked like you had lots of fun.
Wow what a great week, I love seeing what you guys get up to.
I loved the ice creams & Autumns St Ignatius drawing was great...well done Autumn.
The I spy bottles looked interesting too.
I can't wait till next week.
Hugs Robyn xx
Looks like you had a very Interesting week!
Praying for your house to sell.
Also, you have an award over at my spot.
Hi Gae, thanks for showing what you do with your littlies. I'll be definitely using your blog as a resource when our little one get to that age. Love Sarah
what a wonderful I week you all had. you've got such a marvelous selection of books -- I imagine you collected them over all the years of having your children. A cig family would naturaly have such a great selection of reading materials! and your learning room is just wonderful!
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