To be a wife and mother has as far as I can remember has always been my goal.
I even remember back in the school years when we were told to 'choose a career', even back then girls were encouraged and expected to have a career that did not involve marriage and motherhood.
Not knowing any different as this is what I was taught I tried to choose a 'career' that would allow me to be able to stay home with my children and perhaps only work part time.
Even then it was not my first choose and I was blessed to have know my now husband before I left for college. In fact we were engaged before I went away (while he attended Uni in another part of the country) and we really were only waiting to be married until after I had finished my 2 year course.
I look back now and see how the fact that we were 'brainwashed' both at home and school to think this way.
Thank God that he showed us a different way..........
I could not imagine my life if it were any different and the thought of not having this life is well.....unimaginable.
How trite and unimportant for me to not be a wife and mother. The ability to share so many special moments AT HOME, with those I care most about is a gift I will never undervalue.
So when I read these type of poems below and books by like minded people I can really appreciate the value that they place on the role of Motherhood.
I pray you are as encouraged by them as well!!
My Work
I have the greatest work in the world;
The job of rocking a baby to sleep,
That of guiding his tottering feet,
A baby's clothes to launder and fold,
A precious life to shape and mold,
A drink to give from a little cup,
At night his toys to gather up,
Hurts to heal and fears to quell,
A baby to keep clean and well,
A stack of diapers to put,
Oh, what a happy worthwhile day!
I am a "Mother."
I have the greatest work in to world;
A husband to encourage when things go wrong,
When he comes from work to greet with a song,
Denims and shirts to wash and mend,
A helping hand, when needed, to lend,
Three times a day is meals to cook,
To strive to be my best to look,
His back to rub at the close of the day,
For his faithfulness to God I pray,
When hubby's in the field I take lemonade,
for all these tasks his love has Paid.
I am a " Wife."
I have the greatest work in the world;
A home to keep happy, clean and bright,
Make things go smooth and strive for the right,
Jams to cook and jellies to make,
Cookies and pies and bread to bake,
Washing, ironing, and sewing to do,
So many tasks, will I ever get though?
Lettuce to wash and peas to pick,
floors to scrub, lost items to seek,
Dishes to wash and windows to shine,
These and many more tasks are mine.
I am a "Homemaker."
Help me, Father, to faithfully work,
Forgive if I unconsciously shirk,
give me the patience and love I pray,
To keep myself in duties way;
With all the hustle that each day brings
May I not neglect the needing things;
Each day to spend time alone with Thee
That Jesus Christ be seen in me.
Thank you for husband, our home, our girls and boys;
Thank you for love which brings me much joy.
Thank you , Lord.
----Mary Lou Burkholder
I love J R Miller's work and the book on Homemaking is one of my favourite books on homemaking.
I think that this is the new version of my book, but not sure.
"Oh that God would give every mother a vision of the glory and splendor of the work that is given to her when a babe is placed in her bosom to be nursed and trained! Could she have but one glimpse into the future of that life as it reaches into eternity; could she look into it's soul to see it's possibilities; could she be made to understand her own personal responsibility for the training of this child, for the development of its life, and for it's destiny,- she would see that in all God's world there is no other work so noble and so worthy of her best powers, and she would commit to no other hands the sacred and holy trust given to her." - JR Miller
Once again I am joining in with Trish with her Lace Post
L...Lovely A...Admirable C...Cheerful E...Encouraging
~ LACE ~
So please join Trish in her lovely 'LACEwork' this week (click on the image below)
Blessings to you and your homes,

Dearest Gae....what are you doing awake?;) It is early here in the states and I just finished reading your lovely post. Thank you for this dear friend.
In fact, it is a lot like 'my dream' - my post for today :)
Thank you for blessing me this morning with your beautiful words.
Thank you for these precious, sweet thoughts. :-)
Hope you're doing well.
God bless,
Like you, I always wanted to get married and have children. I was never interested in being a "career girl." It never appealed to me. Of course, God did not bless me with a husband and home until much later in life. As a result, I went through many painful transitions.
However, I am thankful that all those "transitions" are behind me, and that now, I can enjoy being a Homemaker. It's truly a blessing from God that I strive each day not to take for granted.
Also, I loved the reading the poem about "Work." I thought it was beautiful! J.R. Miller's book on "Homemaking" is excellent too. I read that book a few years ago, and found it to be very inspiring.
-Lady Rose
Yes being a full time mother and homemaker is the best job I could ever want. I remember when I was young and all I wanted was to be a mom and a teacher. And God worked it out that I could be both! PTL. I am very thankful indeed. I loved your post.
Dear Ladies,
I am so glad you enjoyed this post too. Motherhood is a special vocation for me and I love that I can connect with such wonderful kindred spirits here too.
Dear Maria,
It isn't that late here when I posted in fact only 11:30pm. That can be quite early for me some nights.
have a great day.
Oh Gae, I'm so glad the Lord gave you the desire of your heart!
You are a wonderful wife and mother and superb example to the rest of us, my friend!
I had 2 'dreams' when young - to be a nun or married with children.
I never had an ambitious bone in my body as far as a career went.
I love the hidden life too much :-)
The homemaker poem is beautiful!
I see why you like it.
And Miller's words are wonderful and quite sobering too.
Thanks for linking up today!
bless you dear lady..Trish
Oh dear Gae! I haven't ever read these poems! Aren't they just sparkling gems! ;o) Although I do work some because of my husband being in school and what not I make sure every minute possible when I'm not working is spent where I belong at home. :o) I so appreciated these poems because of the encouragement in this! I seem to be a strange one in my field of work and in life because all I want is to be home which causes my clients heart attacks and others to just shake their heads. ;o) Thankfully God has placed me in such a wonderful job where I can be a witness and use my job as a ministry. :o)
Dear Gae,
I understand exactly where you're coming from with this post, and at the same time I know that you also appreciate the caring women out there in health professions - working to make the lives of others better if possible. I know how much it helps Moran to have a kind lady to take her blood, or to help with her therapy, and I'm happy with my choice to work in the field that I do. <3 Bernadette
Dear Benadette,
Yes, that is right I do appreciate the lovely ladies that we can have help us especially in the medical profession and for Moran and Corbyn.
What I was and will be covering in another post is that this was my calling and that most people in society do not see that as a legitamate choice.
In my opinion it is equally important but often is not given the same status as paid employment.
Everyone is called to do different things, and I am very thankful, as I am sure you are in your own life for the opportunity to follow my heart in my choice of life.
Thank you for sharing dear friend
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