We attended confession and then The Commemoration of the Passion at our Church. This was a big ask for our little children as we also attended Maundy Thursday Mass as well last night.
One of the hymns we sang was the one below as we had our Veneration of the Cross.
Although I LOVE this hymn very much I was unable to sing past the first verse as I was overcome with emotion and to my embarrassment started crying, again this year!
Do you ever have hymns that affect you like that?
I was just so overwhelmed not only by the sacrifice and love of Jesus to do this for me, but also by the great sacrifice of Mary as she was actually present while this HER SON was being crucified.
As a mother this just tears me apart. My gosh when you think about it...... the burden to bear.
Put once again I am so grateful that music and lyrics can affect me like this.
Music is powerful and causes powerful emotions (which is why I think we should always monitor what we listen to) so I guess I should never be surprised when this happens to me.
As we come to the end of this day, Good Friday, we also watched the Passion of the Cross and once again I was affected by the movie.
The lyrics below are lovely BUT the power is within both the music and lyrics, so if you don't know it I suggest you listen to the you tube version.
Behold the cross on which was hung
Life’s very Lord, God’s only Son;
Mary’s own babe, so cold and so still,
Helpless before her on Calvary hill.
Nails in his hands, nails in his feet,
A traitor kiss upon his cheek;
And his pierced heart, now broken in two,
Love crucified for me and for you.
Eyes that won’t see, ears that won’t hear,
Lips that deny the friend once so dear;
Slowly he turns and captures your eye,
Then passes on to Calvary to die.
Behold the cross of Christ in our midst:
All those who bear his wounds in their flesh.
Suffering for crimes of mercy and peace,
Signs of the kingdom on Calvary street.
Behold the cross on which was hung
Life’s very Lord, God’s only Son;
Mary’s own babe, so cold and so still,
Helpless before her on Calvary hill.
(Lyrics from Behold the Cross - Bob Hurd)
Praying for each of you this day that you draw closer to Jesus and reflect on His love and sacrifice for us. (I will post our traditions as I can on how and what we did over the last few days)
Blessings to you and your homes,

May Our Lord continue to hold you close dear friend!
Enjoy this weekend :) Enjoy the blessings,
Mrs. M.
Hi Gae, I so agree with you that music is powerful and has a way of touching the very depths of our hearts. I too, cried when we sang this song, Were You There, during the Veneration of the Cross at our Good Friday Service.
Have a Blessed Easter!
I was almost crying too!!
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