Life is all about the new baby arriving soon in our home.
With the arrival of our baby imminent, I have been trying to get the new-born baby clothes washed and ready.
As we don't know if our baby is a boy or girl this actually limits what I can prepare ahead of time.
So all the little items to go to hospital are white, except for the bunny-rugs of which I have a mix of boy and girl ones.
These are the coming home from hospital clothes are the same ones we have always brought our little babies home in, starting with Kynan nearly 22 years ago. He wore the little jacket and bonnet but not the gown which we have had since Braedon.
I know lots of people today dress their little baby boys in very boy clothes, but we always dress them in little nighties at home and special gowns for church on Sunday's until they are older.
These are a couple of my nighties and my dressing gown. I adore these very long and feminine gowns. I am probably the only person in hospital who still wears night wear after the baby is born. Most of the ladies I see wear track pants etc.
But I love the feminine appeal of these and think they are much more lovely to be wearing, especially for a new mummy and baby.
I nearly always get positive comments from the nursing staff on this which I think is my bid for the 'mummy of many can still be pretty and dress attractively'.
Just in case anyone wonders I don't just wear these in hospital but also at home along with the others I own as well.
This is the little baby's cradle all washed and ready with fresh linen on awaiting the precious bundle to come home. We have also had this since Braedon was born and I made the quilt and skirting just before Eden was born.
This is the area in our bedroom that the baby sleeps in. Right next to the bookcase, just so the baby can lap up the literature there and with a chair for night time feeding or escape from the noise and attention of the other children☺
I just thought I would include this picture of me and my baby tummy for those of us mummy's who like to know how others look at different phases. So this is me at 38+ weeks.
As you may guess we are very excited to be welcoming this special gift into our home soon. Apart from the various discomforts that I am having it is still going well and we are all very impatient to meet a little angel.
Oh and yes I think, yes unless Stephen changes his mind again,that we now have both a boy and a girls name ready.
So I will just plug along with the last few craft projects I am working on to welcome our baby and try to get the rest that helps me, even though I feel very lazy indeed.
Once again the blessings of wonderful and helpful older children.....thank you my darlings, once again I know how much I am blessed at these times.
Blessings to you and your homes,

Yes!!You have a name:):)
Wishing yo well! Cathy
So blessed.. :)
Praying for a quick and safe delivery of your latest blessing!
Oh how and SouleMama and Ginny of Small Things are all due, and I am all excited for you. Alas, my baby years are done I think (I will be 48 this year).
My babies were all born during the 38th week.
The Lord bless you and keep you! welcome welcome, Little One. can't wait to she the baby's face.
May God Bless you Gae, as you prepare to welcome anorher little gift from God. I love newborns in nighties and yes I love nighties afterwards too.
Hi Gae, I am so excited for you and all your family. I can imagine how excited all your children are getting as they await their new brother or sister. I love the idea of the nighties for the baby. The babies are babies for such a short time and its so lovely to see them dressed as a baby. These days Mums tend to dress them in bright or dark colors as soon as they are out of hospital and to me this is rushing them into being little girls or boys, not being the wee babies that they really are. your crib looks gorgeous too, awaiting your little one. I hope you have a peacefilled delivery and that all goes well for you both. I eagerly await the news of your new baby, as I am sure all your other friends are too.
God bless you as you enjoy the final stages of your pregnancy.
Love Sue
The time is getting near Gae. Hope all goes well for you.
I am looking forward to hearing that your baby has arrived.
I love the lovingly prepared cradle all ready and waiting....
Best wishes to you all,
Gae. Dearest friend...I truly enjoyed reading this! I'm so happy you have names ready and everything else prepared for the arrival of your little blessing. The Lord is good and lovely and He thinks the world of you to send you another one of His children to care for Him here on Earth!
Praying for a quick labor, speedy recovery, and a healthy little baby!
Hi Gae,
Blessing to you as you approach your time! I'm a gown mum too...knee length in summer, ankle length in winter. :-) Same here for the little gowns on boys and girls. It's so much easier to change a nappy too!
Praying for a healthy baby, safe, quick, delivery and a speedy recovery.
Anne ♥
Gae, the cradle looks soooo beautiful! Ready and waiting for your sweet baby. I am very excited for you. Much love and blessings to you. Praying for a peaceful delivery.
Oh Gae!
You brought back such a sweet, touching memory for me - dressing my baby boys in nightgowns. I think I was the only mum in my circle of family and friends who did that. For me, it was a long time ago . . . but the memory of my babies in their nighties is so lovely and sweet. You are so blessed . . . I'm so happy for you.
I pray you have an easy delivery, and are feeling well. I'm looking forward to seeing your precious new baby.
God bless,
thinking of you most dearly as "our time" approaches.
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