Do you know I just LOVE my LACE posts!!
I love thinking on the meaning of LACE and the criteria behind Trish's ideas on this.
Philippians 4:8 Whatever is..Lovely. Admirable. Cheerful. Encouraging. ~ LACE
A while ago I posted on the beauty and yet the strength that we have as women and in our vocations.
I was sharing my thoughts on the beauty we have in our most everyday activities
And yet while LACE can be functional and beautiful it is at the same time optional to many and a bit of an extra.
Does that mean we cannot have these extras in our lives? I don't think so we can be uplifted by these extras and be thankful for them as they come in to our lives. Mostly that means that we have to wait for the little extra something to be blessed by it and sometimes those waits are a long time in between and even though we love and nurture our roles as wives, mothers and home makers, we know intrinsically that the extra LACE is a bonus and to be valued because of it.
Making time for these extra LACE activities in our lives is important too.
I know in my own life if I have no time for 'LACE and frills' I tend to not be grateful and thankful for the many blessings in my life.
What constitutes as LACE?
Well for all of us it can be different, but a basic I believe is looking for the beauty in the surroundings we have in our immediate lives. Bing watchful and aware of the environment in which God has placed us to live out our lives.
For me it also means taking time to play and create, not only with our precious children but to play and create on my own too.
Some times we feel guilty for taking this time to our selves after all there is so much to be done in our homes and lives. We have family to feed, a home to manage and our own personal devotions to work on not to mention the man of the house to love and nurture as well.
How can we possibly justify spending time on our selves?
I once when traveling on a plane with our baby was told in case of crash to put my own life jacket on first, so I am would be to help the baby.
In some ways we are like those in an airplane crash we do need to take the time to put on our own life jacket so to speak in order to minister to those around us.
So today I would like to share the extra LACE I received to day : the flowers from ,my dear husband and the beautiful sunset we had this evening
May your day be filled with all the extra LACE you can find !!
Blessings to you and your homes,

Beautiful to both your blessings!
As a mother of three, and one of them disable, I know how hard it is to try to put yourself first.
It is not easy. Guilt sets in. But I have had to stop and allow My Lord to show me that it was ok to do this. If I was not taking care of myself, how can I take care of others?
Thank you for your wise words Gae.
you are are such a kindred spirit, you even have the same curtains as me lol!!
I love your understanding of my LACE meme, dear friend.
You truly know the heart of what I desire to accomplish with it.
We busy wives and mothers (and single ladies) do not have to live dreary and somber lives in Christ to be taken seriously as Christians.
Life can be beautiful!
It's all about how you look at it - the more you search for joy and beauty the more you find.
And you don't even have to leave home to find it!
As the 'lady of the house' I think we women have a mandate from God to create beauty and contentment in our homes.
And taking time to nurture that creativity in ourselves is very important!
Thank you for always bringing such rich blessings to LACE !
God bless you as always..Trish
Hi Gae,
Your words are very true! We do need to nurture ourselves so we can better look after our loved ones.
I'm going to look for the 'extra lace'in my life from now on...
God Bless
Barb from Australia
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