They seem so simple when I put them to paper.
They have been my desires for years past and I pray for many years to come.
I am sure they are the desires of many other women of my acquaintance, those of a kindred spirit kind.
To love and serve my God, to share my faith with others that they may love and serve God.
To love and treasure my husband, the one God intended for me, whom I have had the pleasure of being married to for over 24 years.
To love and cherish each one of the special blessings, our children, that God has given us to raise for His service and glory.
To create within our home a place of beauty and peace, a sanctuary for all who enter within, not just our family, but for any whom we are gifted by their presence.
Within our home to educate our children - not just academically for their future but for their eternal futures. Teaching the gifts of hospitality and care as mirrored by my own life.
To share our lives in a spirit of love and harmony with one another that we can help one another to grow and be up lifted
To develop and use the gifts that God has given each one of us and to encourage and use these gifts for pleasure and for service of others.
And yet as much as I treasure these desires, knowing they are placed upon my heart by a loving Father, I know I do not live up to them daily.
I know also that it is the daily living of these that is so important, and once again it is the daily living of these desires in which I fail.
I become distracted by my own 'temporary desires' that do not conform with my heart desires and I focus on these instead of what I know gives me more lasting joy and reward.
These temporary desires come and go depending on how much I listen to my 'heart desires' and I know I need to give them more focus now, at this moment, and not be distracted.
I pray that I have the humility to pray, the wisdom to listen for answers and the courage to follow and thus achieving The Desires of My Heart.
Blessings to you and your homes,

Very well put,Gae. I too need to work on prioritizing according to His Will and not mine. This momma is easily distracted :)
Hello ~
Thank you for visiting my blog. I'm so glad you did because without your comment, I would not have found yours! I see in your profile you are from Tasmania. That is where I was born and spent the first two years of my life. :) My parents were missionaries there for a few years. It's a small world! Your blog is lovely and it is so nice to "meet" you!
Hello Gae - Your desires are not so different from mine. As women after God's own heart, the desires tend to become the same, because we serve Him and He guides our steps!
Thank you for sharing dear friend,
Oh, I hope my previous comment just posted..Having trouble here..hmmm.
Amen to all that you said! Thank you for sharing from your heart.
Such a beautiful woman; you are.
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