But I tried to keep it simple, I really did, I tried not to go over board and make it stressful for us and I think we succeeded in this. The stress with Trahaearn feeding does not count, right?
Autumn took this photo while I was ready our very few books regarding Halloween:
Father Phillip Tells a Ghost Story and Pumpkin Moonshine
We made a list of simple crafts and food for the day, this Orange cake with Orange frosting and decorated with chocolate to be a Pumpkin Moonshine cake was made exclusively by Rogan
Pumpkin Soup in our Pumpkin soup Tourine for dinner along with bread rolls for dinner
Decorating the table is lots of fun and we used some decorations from last year too
We decided (clever Autumn) that Spiders- as often used in Halloween decorations could be used to represent the Poor Souls in Purgatory who people have forgotten about and who suddenly reappear and ask us for prayers
Bats - can represent those temptations in life which appear extraordinary and many people chase after only to discover later that they have lost something more important
Another craft was to simple draw the face on a pumpkin moonshine and colour in to hang up for deocrations
If you have no pumpkins to carve how about decorating some oranges.....they look similar don't they. Well we think they were pretty cute.
Love, love, love candle light
We are ready to eat
Sweet little boys together, couldn't resist Corbyn loving his baby brother
I mad a quick felt craft here: simple cut out a pumpkin shape (well as close as possible ) and some face pieces for children to make the faces over and over again.
A matching game weh have had for over 12 years from Preschool Printables
Spiders on the table made from egg cartons painted black and pipe cleaners
Blackboard Picture
Myffy just about to go to bed with her felt Pumpkin Moonshine
And of course Moran did too.
All in all it was fun and relaxing and we are looking forward to All Saints Day tomorrow.
Oh yes I was going to post a heap of information about All Hallow Eve but need to go to bed before Trahaearn needs feeding again. However I just can't resist this quick information from Fisheaters, because I love sharing why things are celebrated like they are.
So Blessed All Hallows Eve to you all
Blessings to you and your homes,

Happy All Hallow's Eve!
I love the bat and spider suggestions! Very clever child you have!
What a fun, creative, and delicious Halloween all of you enjoyed! I'll be making pumpkin soup tonight too!
Happy All Hallows Eve,
I"m just soooo awesome!
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